Math quizzes with answers: These math quizzes are perfect for Sundays. Try them out today.

Math puzzles can be super fun, especially if you try them out over the weekend. Gone are the days when people spent the weekend just sleeping. Nowadays, people want to try different things that normally 9 to 5 don’t allow. Then they move on to challenging activities that challenge their brains, such as sports, learning to play an instrument, and oh, some fun math puzzles. That’s where we come in. Here are some fun math puzzles that you might think are hard to solve, but that’s really the heart of the challenge. Although we usually present only a set of math puzzles, today we present one with a twist. Wondering what it is? Read the rules and you will know them.


The rules of these math puzzles are quite simple and clear. You are allowed to use paper and pencil so there is no pressure to do mental calculations, you are even allowed to use the calculator when necessary. However, one thing you must not do is spend more than 15 seconds on a math puzzle. You have read correctly. All you have to do is set a timer on your phone for just 15 seconds before moving on to each math puzzle. Start solving math puzzles as soon as the countdown starts. Pause when the beep sounds and move on to the next. Yes, it will give you exam feeling but relax, we won’t give any points so you can take it as entertainment.


Math Quiz 1: If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. what number?

Math Quiz 2: John has 28.75 dollars. He bought three cookies that cost $1.5 each, 5 newspapers that cost $0.50 each, 5 flowers that cost $1.25 each, and spent the rest of the money on buy a pair of sunglasses. How much do sunglasses cost?

Math puzzle 3: The monkey tries to climb the coconut tree. 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. Each step forward 30 cm, each step backward 40 cm. How many steps does it take to climb a 100 cm tree?


Math Quiz 1: If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. what number?

Answer: No.

Math Quiz 2: John has 28.75 dollars. He bought three cookies for $1.50 each, five newspapers for $0.50, five flowers for $1.25 each, and spent the rest of the money on a pair of sunglasses. . How much do sunglasses cost?

Answer: $15.50.

Math puzzle 3: The monkey tries to climb the coconut tree. 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. Each step forward 30 cm, each step backward 40 cm. How many steps does it take to climb a 100 cm tree?

Answer: 50 steps.

Categories: Trends

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