Twilight: 10 Things Only Book Fans Know About Alice Cullen

in all roles Sunset, vampires, especially the Cullen family has attracted millions of fans worldwide. Aside from Edward’s obvious fan-favorite, Alice Cullen is also very popular among the fanbase. Her bubbly personality coupled with her extraordinary divination abilities captured the hearts and imaginations of fans.

The hot-tempered Cullen sister has one of the most unique stories, and although she is played perfectly by actress Ashley Greene (Stephenie Meyer herself considers her the most perfect Alice she could find), The petite vampire has a unique story in the movies. There’s a lot about her that only book aficionados know.

Her full name is Mary Alice Brandon

Alice in the Twilight

Movie fans will always know her as Alice Cullen, but in her first life as a human, she was Mary Alice Brandon. After becoming a vampire, she lost her last name and decided to only be called by her middle name.

Like most of her group, she took the surname Cullen so that whenever they entered a new high school, she would be their sister.

Her vision is subjective

Alice and Bella sit on the couch together and talk about the new moon.

Alice is known for her vision of the future that she uses in battles, negotiations, and even in her personal life. Alice “considered” Bella as a vampire long before she and Edward started dating, and Alice envisioned the entire witch war in Breaking Dawn.

Only book aficionados know that Alice’s fantasies are never absolute. They are extremely fluid – completely dependent on the choices and paths of those involved. So she sees many different versions of the future, changing according to people’s minds.

she found jasper

Alice and Jasper smiling together at dawn

When Alice changes, she wakes up completely alone, with absolutely no memory of how she got there. Her first vision of the future was of Jasper – and the happy life they would have together.

Alice knows exactly who Jasper is and how she will meet him. When the time comes, she meets her soul mate. She also foresees their future family, Karen’s family, and their “vegetarian” diet. Therefore, before joining the Olympic Women’s Association, she adopted a diet of animal blood without killing.

Her real age

Ashley Greene's Alice Cullen Stares At Audience In 'Twilight'

When Alice came back, she was only 19 years old so she was always fixed at that age. Since she was born in 1901 and changed jobs in 1920, in the process Sunset Alice was 104 years old when it happened.

She shares her birth year with her favorite Edward sibling, both in Sunset.

her life and transformation

Twilight Alice Cullen

The movie completely covers up how Alice transforms. The history of Edward, Carlyle, Rosalie and Jasper is covered to varying degrees in the book, but not Alice. Alice was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, where her father staged the murder of his mother and locked her in a mental institution. She has an older sister named Cynthia.

Even as a human, she has premonitions of the future, which are amplified during her transformation. As a human, she was considered a witch because of her prophecies, and her vampire caretaker at the refugee camp took care of her. He’s the one who changed her to save her life from the deadly stalking vampire James.

her height

Karen family poses in Twilight.

Little Alice is really small in the book. Slender vampires are extremely slim, only about 4 feet 10 inches tall. In her small group, almost everywhere she went, everyone was taller than her small stature

In the movie, they couldn’t choose who’s that short, so Ashley Green’s Alice is 5’5″.

Her love for fashion, sports cars and commercials

Along with foresight, Alice also has a keen sense of dress. She’s a huge fan of fashion, clothes, shoes and accessories – and sports cars like the Porsche she was given to her by Edward. Alice likes to treat Bella like a “3D paper doll” and buys her new outfits to wear.

In fact, she was Dawn Even more than once took care of her school wedding and evening gown. Alice also loves stock trading, especially because she always knows the market’s results in advance with her special ability.

She has a living relative

Alice stands in front of the camera at Crescent trường

While other vampires have little or no connection to their human ancestors, Alice unexpectedly leaves a trail of human connection to the world.

Alice’s sister, Cynthia Brandon, lived and died as a human, but her daughter is still very much alive in their hometown of Biloxi. Immortal Alice has a mortal niece alive.

her relationship with james

james hunting in twilight forest

Bella isn’t the only one having trouble with James, the villain in the first book of the series. James was a formidable stalker, and in 1920 he tracked down Alice, whose blood smell was sweet to him. As James followed her scent, Alice “saw” James entering her life and shared this with her vampire caretaker at the asylum.

Time is limited, the vampire changed Alice’s life, but instead fell into the hands of the villainous James. Alice then wakes up, a vampire who doesn’t remember where she came from.

The reason her hair looks like that

Karen siblings sit in a cafe during Twilight.

Perhaps Alice’s most iconic physical feature is her signature pixie haircut. Her chic, pointy hairstyle may be trendy and fans love her for it, but it’s for a different reason.

Alice’s hair was shaved when her father put her in a mental institution. When it starts to grow back, she turns into a vampire, and her physical state is frozen: short hair up to half of her head, etc.

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