Breaking Bad: How Walt Actually Poisoned Brock

How the hell did Walter poison Bullock? break Bad? The incident happened during the fourth season of the hit show AMC, but the truth wasn’t revealed until next year. The character Brock Cantillo (Ian Posada) is the six-year-old son of Andrea (Emily Rios), Jesse Pinkman’s girlfriend. Brock admires Jesse very much and the two often go to video games together. After Jesse and Andrea broke up, he continued to send them money through Saul Goodman to help them have a better life. The two reunited in break Bad Season 4, but soon after, Brock gets very sick and is hospitalized – but did Walt poison Brock?

At first, Jesse thought Brock was using ricin for break Bad And better call saul The villain Gus Flynn; he thinks Walt stole the ricin and gave it to Brock as a way of punishing Jesse for getting too close to Gus. However, when confronted, Walter makes Jesse think that Gus must have hurt Brock with ricin. Walt tries his best to convince Jesse, even planting cigarettes laced with ricin that makes Jesse think he’s lost in Jesse’s Roomba vacuum cleaner. Sadly, Jesse is right – but why did Walter poison Brock? Walt made Brock sick to turn Jesse against Gus, however, as it later turned out, the poison wasn’t caused by ricin – it came from the lily plant, which was found in Walt’s backyard. break Bad Season 4 Finale. But how exactly did Walter poison Brock with the tree’s berries?

Breaking Bad Brock Poisoning Explained

Jesse dates Andrea and Bullock's family in Breaking Bad

break Bad Author Vince Gilligan provided more details on Walter’s strategy at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. break Bad Referring to this event when Walter becomes “evil juice box man”, imagine him injecting poison into Brock’s juice box. Turning off the camera, Walter somehow places a juice box on Brock’s school lunch, making sure only he has access to it. The rest of the plan involved ricin, which Huell stole and played on the screen.

Brock eventually defeated the disease and made a full recovery. Walter then meets Bullock and seems restless around the boy. His actions clearly made him feel guilty about the fact that he took advantage of the child’s health to mess with Jesse. While Walter White has many breaking points throughout the series, many fans believe that Walter White’s poisoning of Brock was the moment when Heisenberg really went bad, and he gave up any moral remnants he had ever had. yes, and focus on maintaining Power, whoever you are. It takes pain to make it happen. Jesse eventually puts the pieces back together and discovers that Walter is the culprit, causing great confusion between the two. Jesse also confronts Saul Goodman, who admits that he helped Walt, but is unaware that his intention was to poison a young boy.

Later, Walter himself confesses to Jesse that he poisoned Brock with lily of the valley just to draw Jesse to his side so they could conspire to kill Gus Fring, but by then their relationship was over. become bad. Soon after, when Jesse was dragged to Jack Welker’s estate, Walter White also admitted to Jesse that he had witnessed Jane Margolis’ death and decided not to interfere. break Bad At the end of the series, many people think that the first thing Jesse will do is find Brock and take care of him in honor of Andrea.

However, in 2019 el camino After Jesse Pinkman is kidnapped by Jack Welker and the neo-Nazis, there’s barely enough time to pick up the debris and free himself. Before fleeing to Alaska, Jesse wrote Brock a letter, but the contents of the letter still exist between the writer and Aaron Paul to this day. Vince Gilligan originally intended for Jesse to read it in narration, but chose to keep its contents secret, which is why el camino Jesse’s letter was not disclosed.

What actor Brooke Ian Posada has been up to since Breaking Bad

Ian Posada aka “Li’l Ian Posada” is the young actor responsible for bringing Brock Cantillo to the screen. break Bad, and he did not participate in other activities. Posada’s lovable performance is the main factor that makes Jesse and the audience love him in all the episodes in which he appears. This, in turn, is why Walter’s decision to poison the boy is so despicable. Poisoning any child is a huge mistake, but Bullock is exceptionally sweet and innocent.

since appearing in break Bad From 2010 to 2013, Ian Posada did not appear in many films, but he did appear in 2015. assassin. It’s a nice coincidence that both of Posada’s main characters revolve around the illegal drug trade, but thankfully, assassin Keep him out of harm’s way, unlike break Bad. What happened after Bullock break Bad It has also been a mystery. The AMC Series Has Many Tough Moments, But Brock Was Poisoned break Bad Season 4 was one of the hardest to watch.

Walt didn’t kill Brock, but Breaking Bad has shocking child deaths

Better call Saul Bryan Cranston as Walter White

Although Brock’s fate is unknown, break Bad Viewers speculated that he might end up with his great-grandmother—a much luckier fate than the show’s other 14-year-old, teenage Drew Sharp. Drew Sharp, played by Sam Webber, is the kid in an SUV who is killed by Todd after Drew witnesses Jesse, Walter, and Todd while robbing a train. What’s really remarkable about Drew Sharp’s death is that in the end, Jesse was the only person on set to question it, while Walter accepted that the game led to his death. In fact, the shocking death of a child was a pivotal point in Walter Whiteheisenberg’s transformation, even more important than Walter’s “I’m the knocker” speech.

in spite of break Bad Sub Brock, it kills Drew to show how far Walt has come. This was especially evident when Walter easily dissolved the child’s body in hydrofluoric acid to remove the evidence. As gray as the show’s ethos, there’s still a stark difference between engaging in meth trafficking and gang violence with actively poisoning children or dissolving their bodies in acid. As Jesse’s reaction to Drew Sharp’s death demonstrates, there’s a reason why infanticide carries a much longer sentence than adult murder. However, while Walt actually killing Brock may have backfired, Drew’s death at the hands of Todd is necessary to show that Jesse and Walt have evolved into criminals. This is one of the most shocking break Bad A moment, but arguably essential to the story.

Playing Bullock Made Ian Posada Cry (But Not From Poisoning)

Jesse is tied up and screaming in Breaking Bad

break Bad The years are old, but it can even be too stressful for some of the actors involved, including Ian Posada. However, while Posada’s Brock also had a tense moment when he was poisoned by Walt, there was clearly another moment that really affected him. According to Emily Rios (via: Hollywood Reporter) as Andrea, Posada’s mother calls her after her character is killed by Todd in the episode. Rios remembers he was devastated by the death of his on-screen mother, and she had to reassure him that she was fine. break Bad Not a children’s program, even if children are in the program.

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