It’s Always Sunny: 10 Pepe Silvia Memes That Will Make You Cry-Laugh

There is no more interesting program than this It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. It leads to many memorable moments. Some have manufactured goods, while others have been classified as direct references. However, some people have been blessed with something even better: memes.

Well, maybe memes are a dozen, but there’s no denying it always sunny has had an impact on the world of online humor. one of the more well defined always sunny The meme is the “Pepe Silvia” meme, in which Charlie stands in front of a giant conspiracy board in the mailroom. Note that this post is filled with very serious opinions on the matter.

social anxiety

The Pepe Silvia meme is perfect because it’s instantly recognisable and relatable, even if you’re not always sunnyBoth Charlie Day’s chaotic backdrop and expression exude the panic and madness we all feel from time to time.

So out of most of the memes on this list, this one is the easiest to understand. Many of us struggle with social anxiety and hate dealing with human moments, no matter how long. If there is a picture of that feeling, this is it.

Anakin’s turn

this Star Wars At least the prequel has had a strange journey. Star Wars Fans, they have now built their own fanbase. Besides the real fans, there are people who also use these movies as meme gold mines.

This amazing specimen combines the prequel and always sunny The best way possible. Here, Anakin transforms into Charlie, unraveling the plot to make the Jedi non-existent. Out of all the memes on this list, this is the one where Palpatine would give two thumbs up.

death plot

oh what do we have here Looks like this meme has many layers, like some kind of conspiracy. Or is it just a meme, extremely up-to-date on internet trends that have been around for years. who cares? Anyway, very happy.

It feels like the past few years have been a nightmare. Now with the coronavirus, maybe it’s all just a harbinger of the world to come. Or that accessing news 24/7 from multiple sources isn’t a good thing and can overwhelm you?

crazy parade

Maybe this meme is just for us sports fans. Most of you are probably more interested in the status of the new release date black Widow Not the state of March Madness. However, for those of you with more than one hobby, here it is.

This is a very funny meme. For someone like the author of this article, it’s good to know that others have a hard time making parentheses for everything. We had to put a lot of thought into putting these together and it’s about time we got our respect!


For years, fans have wondered “Who is Pepe Sylvia?” Who is the mysterious stranger Charlie discovers, who seems to be leaving paper trails everywhere, all the way down to Carol herself? Well, this cute meme finally clears up the confusion.

Charlie, as many people know, was illiterate and could not read directly. In that case, he could be forgiven for getting confused when sorting through his mail. So he himself lives in Pennsylvania, apparently mispronouncing the state as someone else’s name.

Nicki Minaj

Why is Nicki Minaj stoned for rhyming like this when Dr. Seuss is off the hook? Maybe because he’s gone, most people don’t really care about these things. Why does it matter that Nicki Minaj doesn’t really rhyme? It refers to a popular children’s book. It’s not important. She doesn’t owe you anything. (uh) Okay, let’s relax a bit, but leave Nicki alone.

Not everyone knows

Another meta-meme for all to enjoy. This meme combines two patterns into one, and this Andy Dwyer meme refers to the Pepe Silvia meme. The sure use of both patterns, it highlights a group of meme users who do not know the origin of the joke.

If we leave out any points it is because the font is outdated. Very few good memes still use his font anymore. This seems more relevant if applied to memes with cats or something.


This is quite appropriate (it uses that annoying font again, stop it!). That being said, this is a popular meme for those of us whose family members are obsessed with family trees or bloodlines. Genealogy is fun, but these guys take it to the next level.

Also, have any of you actually looked at how many of these subscriptions there are? This is quite expensive. People can spend the money they use there on a variety of streaming services. But hey, if this is your passion, all the power goes to you.

change your mind

Oh, this might cause some controversy. Derived from the actions of a conservative comedian, the original template for this meme sparked a lot of debate from both political camps. That being said, it still makes some great memes.

Here we find Charlie’s face photoshopped on the body of the original, now with signs that Pepe Sylvia doesn’t exist. Like most of the other memes that appear on this list, it’s the perfect amalgamation of the two.


Let’s end this list with a relevant note. While it may not be as complicated as the image it uses, this version of the meme is simple and fun. There’s no mention of pop culture here, just a brief reference to the fact that everyone makes mistakes, as many of us try to justify them.

But at the end of the day, we have to wake up and realize that all we can do is admit our mistakes. Unlike Charlie, he will never admit the fact that there is really no Pepe Sylvia. never happend.

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