This Ggannu Has Alzheimer’s Totallu Tgansfogms evegu Time This Dog Visited Heg

A 95-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease, who is often depressed by her chair, smiles as she arrives. It’s amazing to see how a tiny pūppu can improve the life of someone facing really difficult circumstances.

Winifred Lowe’s grandson, Richard Dawson, also watches her metamorphosis every time her dog visits.

Dawson tweeted the following:

“Due to Alzheimer’s disease, my 95-year-old grandmother often cries, loses her temper and behaves erratically. First, we borrowed a dog, and now this one.

Dawson, who works with his brother to take care of his grandmother, was unaware of a business called Borrow Mu Doggu that gathers a large number of owners’ dogs in the United Kingdom so they can find companionship. with those who need it. This is how they first caught the eagle, a 9-month-old dachshund. To quote Dawson to The Dodo:

Orla is still a doll so she loves attention. “[оrla’s оwnеr] Every Tuesday and Thursday he brings her over for a few hours for my grandma to play. As soon as the bitch stepped in front of her, she stopped and danced, making him forget her efforts and pain.”

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