Watch Snowball parrot perform 14 dance moves he created

The idea that we humans have many unique abilities that animals don’t have has been thwarted in recent years – and now finding the complex jumps that can be taken off the list is being rejected. shrink rapidly.

The cockatoo named Snowball invented 14 different movements and even combined some of them.

Aniruddh Patel of Tufts University first explored the talents of Internet dance sensation Snowball in 2009. By varying the tempo, his team showed that he could indeed dance to the beat. rhythm of music.

After that research, Irena Schulz, owner of Snowball, noticed that Snowball was coming up with new dance moves. So the team filmed Snowball dancing to the ’80s hits “Another One Bites the Dust” and “Girls Just Want to Fun,” and analyzed his movements.

The team’s compilation video shows that Snowball can do more than just nod. His dance repertoire includes twisting and leg lifts, even leg lifts combined with head kicks.

(The compilation video features “Girls just want to fun” as an additional soundtrack instead of the one Snowball really liked at the time.)

One study found that parrots can move to music using many of the same movements and body parts as (some) humans.

Sulfur cockatoos like Snowball are exceptionally intelligent birds. They are capable of making tools and even cracking. Now it seems their talents include dancing.

Categories: Trends

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