How to Greet People from the Philippines

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If you are a foreigner and want to visit or live in the Philippines, you should learn how to properly greet people you meet there. In general, Filipinos are welcoming and approachable, and many of them understand English. However, learning a little Filipino or Tagalog, the language from which Filipino primarily originated, can go a long way toward building respect and friendship.[1]
If you want to greet people in the Philippines the same way you greet each other, there are some simple ways to be polite and friendly that you can learn.

  1. Image titled Say Hello to the People of the Philippines Step 1

    Remember that almost everything you read in Tagalog or Filipino is phonetic. This means that words can be spoken. Try pronouncing it the way you see it and you will most likely be close to the correct pronunciation.

    • The vowels are harder than in American English, but softer than in the British accent. Also, all vowels are unrounded, except /o/.[2]
    • However, there are exceptions: ng pronounced ‘nang’ and mga pronounced ‘muhNGA’. ‘-ng’, which is a letter, is pronounced like ‘ba’ng’ more or lessng’.
  2. Image titled Say hello to the people of the Philippines, step 2

    Learn a bit of the language before your visit. You can learn Filipino or Tagalog by reading books, watching TV, listening to music, or watching videos. As with other languages, it’s best to practice speaking with someone who knows the language.

    • If you’re short on time, focus on studying the common greetings you’re likely to use. Do not try to learn all the grammar and structure of the language if you are visiting in the near future.
  3. Image titled Say hello to the people of the Philippines, step 3

    Learn to say the equivalent of good morning, good afternoon, and good night. There is no literal translation for these phrases. Instead, Filipinos greet each other by saying “nice” before day, afternoon, or night.[3]

    • To say good morning, say “Magandang umaga” (ma-gan-dang u-ma-ga), which literally means good morning.
    • For a good day, say “Magandang hapon” (ma-gan-dang ha-pon), which literally means good afternoon.
    • For a good night, say “Magandang gabi” (ma-gan-dang ga-bi), which literally means good night.
  4. Image titled Say Hello to the People of the Philippines Step 4

    Try English if all else fails. In fact, Filipinos are mostly used to English, 96.3% of the Filipino population regard English as a second language, and Filipinos can also speak English fluently, so you can just say “Hello”, ” Hello”, “Good morning”, etc. The person you are greeting will probably understand your basic English greeting.[4]

    • If you get stuck and don’t know what to say, just speak in English. It is better to say something in English than nothing.
    • However, if you want to impress the people you interact with, go ahead and study the language so you’re prepared!
  5. Image titled Say Hello to the People of the Philippines Step 5

    Say hello to a group of friends. If you’re trying to impress a new group of friends, say “Kumusta kayó” when you approach them. This is the plural form of “How are you?”[5]

    • Pronounced /kah – mu:s – ta: ka: – yo:/.
  6. Image titled Say Hello to the People of the Philippines Step 6

    Talk to the elderly differently. If you are speaking to someone older or of a higher social rank than you, always add after your sentences. Po is usually added to the end of a sentence, for example “Salamat po” means “thank you”.

    • Also, use opo to say “yes”. This is basically the same as saying “yes ma’am” or “yes sir”.
  1. Image titled Say Hello to the People of the Philippines, Step 7

    Shake hands with people. In Filipino culture, it’s generally best to shake hands with someone you’re meeting for the first time. It is usually a light handshake, not too firm.[6]

    • Greeting someone you just met with a kiss on the cheek or a hug is generally not done. This is usually reserved for after you develop a relationship.[7]
    • If you are in a Muslim part of the Philippines, the rules for touching, especially between men and women, may be different. Handshakes are still appropriate, but men may have to start over. Observe what others are doing around you and follow their example.[8]
  2. Image titled Say hello to the people of the Philippines step 8

    Consider using the “hand” greeting with the elderly. Filipino elders often greet each other by taking their right hand and raising it to touch their forehead. This is called “hand”. This is especially important with members of your own family and with those who are extremely old.[9]

    • If an older person extends his hand in front of his body with his palm down, this may be a sign that he is expecting a “hand” greeting.
    • This greeting is about respecting your elders, but it is also about your elders blessing you when they touch your forehead.[10]
  3. Image titled Say hello to the people of the Philippines step 9

    Keep the conversation light and friendly. Like many people around the world, Filipinos don’t necessarily want to discuss politics or serious topics with foreigners. Instead, focus your conversations on the joys of life: family, food, and fun. This will make meeting that new person more enjoyable.

    • In general, Filipinos like to laugh. They do it sincerely, but they also laugh to get away from uncomfortable topics or break the tension. Be aware of this, and be willing to change the subject if you notice this sign.[11]

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