How to Help Others: Thoughtful Ways to Make a Difference

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This article was written in collaboration with Direct Relief and wikiHow writer Glenn Carreau. Direct Relief is an award-winning humanitarian aid organization active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries. They are focused on helping people affected by emergencies and natural disasters. Direct Relief has been highly rated by Charity Navigator, GuideStar, and the Center for High-Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania for its effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved after it receives enough positive comments. This article received 21 testimonials and 90% of voted readers found it useful, earning it Reader Approved status. This article has been viewed 643,872 times.

Helping others is an important part of life; it gives you a sense of purpose and increases your happiness while positively impacting the world around you. If you want to help others more, but aren’t sure where to start, look no further. Whether you’re caring for friends and family or giving back to your community, read on for a comprehensive guide to helping others.

  • Help your friends and family by comforting, listening, running errands, and teaching them new skills.
  • Help your community by donating and raising funds for causes you believe in. Also offer to volunteer.
  • Helping others allows you to connect with people and gain a sense of purpose. The more you help people, the more successful you will feel.

Categories: How to

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