The old man with a suspended sentence had tears in his eyes because he did not have money for treatment

Seeing the tears on the man’s face and the pain in the dog’s eyes, the vet did exactly what he had to do…

It is said that happiness is not measured by money, but sometimes it is money that determines our destiny. An elderly man was having a hard time making a living, and when the doctors told him how much it would cost to take care of a dog, he realized he couldn’t afford it.

In addition to the doctor, there was an elderly man and a mixed breed dog in the veterinary office. All three were silent, and the guest could only absently stroke his dog and sob silently.

The office silence was broken only by the bitter sighs of a man who couldn’t accept having to part with his friend and silently wept. Despite his little experience, veterinarian Andrei Alex Androvich has repeatedly witnessed the reactions of people who have had to put their pets to bed.

The doctor understands that a pet becomes a friend, so he considers the tears of his guests a perfectly natural reaction. However, this case seemed very special to him.

The doctor recalled the first time a man and his dog visited him three days ago. The man is old and doesn’t talk much, his dog Naida, a nine-year-old hybrid, hasn’t woken up in days.

The man, frightened by the animal’s behavior, took the dog to the emergency room. During the conversation with the vet, the man said that Nada. The examination revealed that the dog had a serious infection and it needed urgent treatment, but the drugs and procedures were expensive. If the dog is not treated.

The infection will continue to spread and lead to a difficult and painful death of the animal. The doctor suggested to the man an alternative treatment or killing, which would save the dog pain and suffering. Andrei made his offer very dry, not thinking about how the guest would understand his words.

After the doctor’s verdict, the man put the money on the table, some crumpled bills, walked the dog with shaking hands and left.

Sometimes people with money don’t bring any value to life, to other people nor to animals. This old man and his mixed-breed dog showed respect that money could not buy, but because of lack of money, they had to say goodbye to each other.

The doctor could not hold back his emotions, approached and put his hand on the man’s shoulder and promised: “I will cure Naida, if there is no money, I will help with my own money”. Naida is not old yet, she has a few more years to be with you.

The old man just sobbed quietly.

In just seven days, NDA She was able to quickly beat this disease with proper drip and care. Veterinarian feels really satisfied with his work.

He may not have done the most important good deeds, but he made the elders and his dog trust people and hope for a better future.

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