Phrases, Spirits 2023: quotes and thoughts to submit this Sunday, May 28

Depor MX Write 26.5.2023 11:20 m.

If there is a holiday in the year where the Holy Spirit is the protagonist, it is that day. Ghosts of 2023which this year is celebrated on Sunday, May 28. Therefore, in sport We want to leave you with a collection of phrases, words, Bible passages and thoughts about this day.

It comes from the Greek word ‘pentēkostḗ’, which means ‘fiftieth’this vacation commemorates the meeting of the disciples and the Virgin Mary in the Upper Room in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit.

This festival is considered the peak of the Easter season The third most important Christian liturgical calendar, after Easter and Christmas. In addition, on All Souls Day, the consecration of the Church itself and the beginning of its mission is also celebrated.

Phrases for spirit

Importance the spectre For a Christian, it is primarily the ability to receive the Holy Spirit. That’s why we’re leaving you with a bunch of phrases to send out this Sunday, May 28:

  • May this soul be strengthened by the Holy Spirit so that we can face every challenge with courage and discernment.
  • May the Holy Spirit guide and protect you in every step you take this Holy Spirit day.
  • Let the fire of the Holy Spirit ignite in your heart and make you live a life full of faith and passion.
  • May the Holy Spirit give you the gifts and talents to bless others and glorify God this Spirit Day.
  • May the Holy Spirit pour out his blessings on you and strengthen you on your spiritual path this All Souls Day.
  • May you feel the living presence of the Holy Spirit in your life and experience his love and transforming power.
  • May the Holy Spirit renew your minds, hearts and spirits on this day, and fill you with hope and joy.
  • That on this All Souls Day, you can experience the unity and fellowship of the Holy Spirit with all believers around the world.
  • May the Holy Spirit inspire and guide you in all your decisions, may He give you peace and ensure that you are in His will.
  • Happy Linh! May the presence of the Holy Spirit be with you today and forever, guiding you to live a full and rich life in Christ.

Poems about God

If you are looking for Bible verses about the spectrethen we leave you a series of them that will serve you to celebrate this Christian holiday, celebrated this year in 2023 Sunday, May 28:

  • When the day of Pentecost came, they all gathered in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound like a strong wind coming from heaven, and filled the whole house where they were meeting. Acts 2:1-2
  • But the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26
  • Until the Holy Spirit falls on us from on high. Then the desert will become a fertile field, and the fertile field will become a forest. Isaiah 32:15
  • Then tongues like fire appeared, divided, and landed on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages ​​as the Spirit allowed them to express themselves. Acts 2:3-4
  • Glorified by the power of God and having received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has poured out what you are seeing and hearing. Acts 2:33
  • Repent and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, Peter answered, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38
  • And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter to be with you always. John 14:16

Reflection on ghosts

The Holy Spirit is the protagonist of the holiday the spectre and his appearance is one of the cornerstones of faith. That is why we have put together a series of reflections on this Christian holiday:

  • “Infused with the Spirit of love, we can be signs and instruments of God who loves, serves, gives life.” Pope Francis
  • “The love that unites God and the soul, and the love that constitutes the deepest reality of the Church, is identical, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit.” P. Jacques Phillipe
  • “You can give up everything and follow God and then feel bigger and better than everyone else, but the Holy Spirit will not come to a person who is rich in spirit.” Tadeuz Daczer
  • “The fruits of the Holy Spirit are divine actions; they are an act of virtue, an act of love, of communication with God, but it is wrapped in sweetness, infinitely intoxicating, mummified our souls”. Bishop Luis Maria Martinez
  • “My daughter, do not think that prayer is the work of the human spirit, it is a special gift of the Holy Spirit, raising the strength of the soul above the forces of nature, to bring union with God through emotion and communication where reason and communication are incapable. men’s wisdom.” Saint Francis Sales
  • “If we understand that, if we understand that we carry the Holy Spirit in our hearts, how our lives will be transformed! Why should we grieve when we carry the Comforter in our hearts? Bishop Luis Maria Martinez
  • “Consolation is the joy that surrounds the pain, the joy that comes from the heart of suffering, so it is called the Holy Spirit. “The Comforter The Comforter”because it sows in the soul the joy of exile, that joy is not incompatible with pain, in fact it presupposes it in a way.” Bishop Luis Maria Martinez

Images for Ghosts

Image for Ghosts 2023 (Image: Pinterest)Image for Ghosts 2023 (Image: Pinterest) Image for Ghosts 2023 (Image for Ghosts 2023 (Image Image for Ghosts 2023 (Image: for Ghosts 2023 (Image:

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