Cindy Seni Bio, Age, Family, Job, Jewish Matchmaking

from netflix jewish matchmaking It is about Aleeza Ben Shalom, who guides hopeful stars located in the US and Israel in the search for their life partners. Premiering on May 3, 2023, this dating reality show is about shidduchim, the centuries-old matchmaking system by which single Orthodox Jews are introduced to marriage. Now, in the rest of the text, let us tell you all about Cindy Sena, one of the contenders for this latest series.

Jewish Netflix Netflix Dating: Are Cindy Seni and Daniel Still Together?

Cindy Seni told Shalom: “I was in a relationship for three years. It was all great, but after two years, I said, ‘Listen, I’d like to get married,’ and he said, ‘Yeah, no problem.’ That’s great'”. She added that she and her ex-boyfriend began planning her wedding and that she bought an engagement dress.

Cindy went on to say, “But it just happened and we ended up going our separate ways. There were those doubts before, but the marriage made us think about it a lot and now, over time, I realize that I don’t think we are meant to be.” However, Shalom felt that her past relationship still haunted her.

While in Jerusalem, Cindy went on several dates with her prospective partner, Daniel. After spending quality time together on their first date, Cindy and Daniel decided to get back together. However, on the second date, Daniel was late and gave a mysterious explanation. Daniel claimed that they took his wallet and he went to the police station to report the theft.

On the other hand, Cindy didn’t think he was telling the truth and ended their romance. Cindy went on a date with only one of her partners, Daniel. However, Shalom thought that there was still a connection between Cindy and her ex-boyfriend.

Cindy Seni on Netflix jewish matchmaking

Cindy Seni seemed thrilled when, a year later, she was finally allowed to share her truth about being a part jewish matchmaking.

The show featured love expert Aleeza hopping on a flight to Israel to help Cindy find love, who is clearly tired of her Jewish family asking why she’s still single.

As depicted on the show, the very observant Cindy seeks a partner who, like her, finds strength in tradition. A self-proclaimed “Jewish in every sense of the word,” she hopes to carry on her family’s legacy in her everyday life. This is why she left her home in Canada four years ago and made aliyah, the Jewish tradition of immigrating to Israel. And her life, she claimed, has never been the same since.

Although she has gained quite a following, Cindy has yet to find her match in real life. “Being more devoutly Jewish means my dating options are reduced,” she tells Tudum, since some men “don’t necessarily feel comfortable dating someone of a different religious level.” But for the record, Cindy has dated the entire religious spectrum, from ultra-secular guys to orthodox Jews. At the end of the day, no matter who you are, the most important thing to Cindy is “respect and understanding”.

Is Cindy Seni on Instagram?

That. You can find Cindy Seni on Instagram. As of May 3, 2023, her @israelwithcindy IG included 522 posts and 16,100 followers. Here she highlighted “🤳🏽Surviving Israel one reel at a time.”

There was another IG @cindyseni, a personal account, which is apparently a personal blog and she kept it private until then.

Cindy also shares snippets of her life as a “Sephardic Jew” and “Jerusalem foodie” on Twitter @cinabin1, ‘Cindy Seni’ on Facebook, TikTok @israelwithcindy and on her YouTube channel ‘AuthentiCindy’.

Through social media, Cindy wanted to especially show young Jews how there is so much joy in Judaism.

cindy seni age

Cindy Seni was born in 1994. So, in 2022 she turned 28 years old.

Cindy Seni’s work

Cindy came before the Netflix cameras as someone who has been working as a freelance content creator in Jerusalem for the past few years. She also revealed how she was once employed as a public relations officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to LinkedIn, Cindy is self-employed as a spokesperson, storyteller, and communications specialist as of August 2021. Additionally, as of March 2022, she continued to work part-time as a social media specialist for Brothers for Life – Achim La’Chaim.

Cindy also continued her work as the creative director and manager of a couture accessories company. Pascal Olivier (Paris). This one, in Toronto, Canada, lasted since January 2017.

How much is Cindy Seni net worth?

Cindy Seni reportedly boasted a net worth of close to $800K as of May 2023.

Looking back on her career, Cindy is most proud of her demonstrated track record of working in the public policy industry.

She likes to tell the world that she is an expert in leadership and public speaking, event planning, community and academic relations, and social media. Furthermore, she believes in a strong media and communication professional. Additionally, she was pursuing a bilingual honors specialist degree in psychology with a minor in trauma from York University-Glendon College.

cindy seni’s family

Cindy Seni comes from a family of Sephardic origin. They are Sephardic Jews. If she doesn’t know, there are Spanish Jews who were once forced to convert to Catholicism or faced expulsion from Spain after 1492.

His family includes his father Pascal Seni, his mother Missou Seni, and his siblings David, Pascal Oliver, Eva, and Shirley Seni.

Sister Shirley appears to have been born in Paris, France. She though she lived in Toronto, Ontario as of 2023. She also previously attended Lycée Lucien De Hirsch, Etienne-Brûlé High School, and Glendon College of York University.

Eve Aimee studied history at Glendon College and also attended Étienne-Brûlé High School.

Cindy’s brother David, a Master’s student in Dispute Resolution at Tel Aviv University, Glendon at York University and McGill University (he studied law), was living in Jerusalem, Israel as of 2023.

Cindy also spoke repeatedly about her grandfather, Albert, who was a Holocaust survivor. He was born in Paris and at the age of 10, when World War II broke out, he was forced to flee Paris to the farms in the south of France. He lived in attics with rats hiding and pretending not to be Jewish.

Cindy loved her Nonna, who is sadly no more, just as much as she did. She passed away on May 13, 2021.

Related FAQ

  • When is Cindy Sen’s birthday?

Cindy Seni’s birthday is July 5th and that makes her a Cancer.

  • Where is Cindy Seni from?

Cindy Seni is originally from Canada. You can even read her take on her life as a Canadian Jew in Israel. The Times of Israel Blog.

He lived in Ontario, Canada. Later or maybe earlier, she too moved to Paris in 2013. However, as of 2023 she was living in Jerusalem, Israel. On the Netflix show, she is described as having a “recent transplant to Israel.”

  • How tall is Cindy Seni?

Beautiful and elegant Cindy Seni is over 5’4”.

Categories: Biography

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