Star Wars Set Up Darth Plagueis’ Sith Master In 2015, And He Can Finally Appear Next Year

Star Wars Darth Plagueis was booked as the presenter years ago and he could finally be on screen next year. acolyteDarth Tenebrous, the influential Sith Lord who masterfully trained Emperor Palpatine, traces his master-disciple relationship with Darth, who coined the “Law of Two” Darth Bane. Currently, acolyte An opportunity to further define this early Sith Lord in the established rule.

exist Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the SithLater, Palpatine revealed the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise to Anakin Skywalker. Rather than establish that he was the apprentice who killed Plagueis, Palpatine confirmed how powerful his master was by detailing his ability to influence the midi-chlorian to induce living. However, every Sith Lord has one master at a time, and Plagueis is no exception. Darth Plagueis is an apprentice to Darth Tenebrous, officially confirmed in 2015 as still his employer.

How Star Wars Sets Up Darth Plagueis’ Master Darth Tenebrous

Darth Maul Sith Intruder in Star Wars

Despite being a product of the non-canonical continuum known as the Legend, Darth Tenebrous remains in Building the Millennium Falcon #44Whether he is still the Beeth alien (same species as Tatooine’s bar band), though he is confirmed to still be the owner of Darth Plagueis. Anyway, it is revealed that he is the mastermind behind the ship The Sith Intruder that Darth Maul is piloting. Ghost threat. That means his legendary element The origins are also canonical, such as his public personality as a spaceship designer:

“It is said to be one of Raith Sienar’s creative geniuses, and later a dispute arose over the famous designer’s involvement in the project, and the ship is said to have actually been designed by him. Sith Master Darth Tenebrous by Darth Plagueis.”

It is worth noting that the 26th Army, which Palpatine finally ordered the rise of skywalker Known as the “Legion of Darkness”, it was customary to name the legion after the Sith Lords of the past. In legend, it is believed that Tenebrous’s death at the hands of his apprentices helped Plagueis research Australodia when he was dead. Like Palpatine in Sith’s Revenge.

Will Duthenebulus become the Sith Lord among the acolytes?

Palpatine and Amandla Steinberg.

According to the report, acolyte Will be set 100 years before the event Ghost threat. With this in mind, it’s very likely that Darth Tenebrous will be the main Sith Lord of the series, with the other dark bearers acting as his proxy against the Jedi Order. Depending on the length of the show, Tenebrous could even have Darth Plagueis as his Sith apprentice in the upcoming series. Either way, Dustinebrus is a certain person Star Wars Canon, so there’s at least one good reason behind the potential launch acolyteStreaming will begin in 2024.

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