Chris Hemsworth workout video: Chris Hemsworth’s pregnant belly makes fans uncomfortable

Recently, fans went wild after witnessing Chris Hemsworth’s huge pregnant belly that just caught the eye in his latest workout video. You have to read the full article to know the same about the news and keep reading for more details. Stay tuned for all new details and updates.

Exercise videos by Chris Hemsworth

Exercise videos by Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth is currently taking a break from his career after a busy few years shooting the latest films Thor and Extraction, not to mention the documentary series Limitless, in which he decided to put his and his family’s health first. . As part of this change, he also posts less on social media. But the Australian actor has just returned to the platform, sharing his first thirst-quenching workout post in months, and it’s something to behold.

Chris Hemsworth

He further captioned the post as ‘a good little workout’ in which he does ball squats, push-ups, pull-ups and Bosu boxing and ends with core strength exercises. core. Now you might think this is particularly remarkable, after all, as the founder of the Health and Fitness App Center, Hemsworth has always shared workouts on Instagram. Continue reading to find out what happens next.

However, some viewers of the video, especially the final workout, were distracted by the content of Hemsworth’s training shorts, in which the hammer can be clearly seen constantly swinging and bumping. into the material he is working on. In fact, the bulge is so big that many fans wonder if it’s actually a bag. No, seriously, the level of desire in the comments section below the photo is almost unprecedented for even the most devoted fans of Hemsworth.

It comes after the busy actor announced that he would be taking a break from the limelight to spend time with his family. The Rush actor told Vanity Fair last November that he would be taking a break from filming a tough episode about death in the new Disney+ documentary series Infinite. Chris is finding fame through superhero movies, Limitless follows him as he pushes the limits of what his body can do. He’s been seen on Disney+ pursuing various physical goals, such as supposedly gaining 40 pounds for the Thor movie.

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