One Ganondorf Detail Hints At Zelda: TOTK’s Timeline Placement

Footage of Ganondorf released in trailer The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Clues have been provided as to which games can often appear before upcoming titles. Legend of Zelda The franchise is known for its multi-branched timeline. In addition, although totek is a direct sequel Breath of the WildThe second game’s own timeline layout is an anomaly that further complicates the classic.

In spite of Legend of Zelda The timeline simply begins, sky sword Subsequent games include Narrow the upper limit And Ocarina of timeThe end of OOT Split the timeline into three different branches. However, at the same time, Breath of the WildThe position on the time axis is ambiguous. For example, BOTWHyrule includes Linebeck Island and Ralis Pond, marked with virtual hourglass And Twilight Princess. These games take place on the “Adult” and “Child” timelines respectively, so the possibility of these two names appearing here is very unlikely. Broadly speaking, it is difficult to define totekits own place in the timeline, but recent trailers have provided evidence of a possibly definitive sequence of events.

Ganondorf’s apparent injury in TOTK fits a specific timeline

Ganondorf spits out malicious images in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, superimposed on Ganondorf's images from Twilight Princess.

Ganondorf appears in the trailer kingdom tears has been the source of much discussion, but one notable detail may indicate a clear canonical connection to the timeline, in particular. The old king Grudo seems to have suffered a serious chest wound, the malice and blood spurting from his chest are amazingly similar. In fact, he is drawing Twilight Princessfailed because Ganondorf was apparently immortal, Legend of ZeldaTri-Force’s powers help him survive. This may indicate totekAnd BOTWreal events follow Legend of Zeldachildren’s schedule.

BOTW also references Zelda’s Child Timeline

It should also be noted that this is not the only recent mention of Twilight Princess. In addition to the evocative places Breath of the WildThe game was also mentioned during Link’s championship ceremony, where Zelda mentioned “embers glow in the sunset“This further shows that the event Twilight Princess,Afterward Four Swords Adventureright in front of you BOTW And totek on the timeline. Of course, this doesn’t explain the references to other timelines; A popular theory to explain this suggests that Legend of Zelda Timeline actually converges first BOTWwhich will resolve various contradictions by making all three values ​​the same.

If Ganondorf is in kingdom tears Alike Twilight Princess‘, then this would be some kind of proof that he existed underneath Hyrule Castle. This is probably where he kept his body after being defeated by Link. Interestingly, this Ganondorf was later reincarnated in the Four Swords, then sealed in the true sword, becoming Ganon; maybe his soul somehow escaped the Four Swords later, became Scourge Ganon, and then returned to his original body BOTW. This would explain how Ganondorf seems to regress kingdom tearsAlthough there is “give up reincarnation,” Before BOTWevent.

this Legend of Zelda The timelines can be pretty convoluted, though that’s true of any franchise that heavily uses time travel. BOTW And totek is a perfect example of this, clearly placed at the end of the timeline, but the exact nature of the events preceding it remains uncertain. However, the images of the chest wound associated with Ganondorf strongly suggest that events in the Twilight Princess and Child timeline have a direct impact on the latest version of Hyrule. This helps to contextualize Ganondorf’s existence and also clarifies kingdom tearstimeline position.

Source: Nintendo UK/YouTube

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