Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Scoobies As A Group

with many cushion After alumni supported Emma Caulfield Ford after she announced her MS diagnosis, it became clear that Scooby-Doo was just as close in real life as on screen. This warmth and closeness is something that many people love Buffy the vampire slayerr, despite creator Joss Whedon’s malicious conduct tarnishing the show’s legacy.

in spite of Buffy the vampire slayer It wasn’t a critically-acclaimed movie for much of the 2000s, and its characters survived thanks to their close interaction. The interactions among the members of Scoobie make them one of the most colorful families to be found on television, as evidenced by numerous memes mocking the group’s mischief.

Xander is a monkey

Even though the Scoobies are all friends and support each other, that doesn’t stop them from mocking each other. Xander is usually the one who comments the most in the group, but his big mouth also makes him the most teased by his friends.

Although the meme suggests that other Scoobies will despise Xander for his stupidity, he is still treated equally. He may not be as powerful as most of the others on the team and he is arguably the least intelligent member of the Scooby-Doo Gang, but he is still appreciated for his love at heart. team feelings.

image of the messianic father

Rupert Giles may be the dad who supports the rest of the Scooby Gang, but as this meme shows, Scooby trusts him too much sometimes. Considering the lack of positive role models in every Scooby-Doo’s life and the fact that Giles seems to have an answer to everything supernatural, that’s understandable.

Aside from Giles being unable to please everyone, the meme highlights how the former Observer sometimes doesn’t fit the younger characters’ ideals (despite how much they adore him). Buffy the vampire slayer In the final season of the fifth season, Gilles killed Ben in cold blood so he could stop Glory.

no happy ending

Although the Scooby Gang is an alternate family consisting of Buffy the vampire slayer The main characters, the amount of romance that happens between each member is astounding. Most of these relationships start off on a pleasant note, but the blurred lines between work and pleasure often lead to bad breakups.

As the memes above demonstrate, nearly all romantic entanglements between Scooby-Doo members lead to tragedy. Xander leaves Anya on the altar, Spike attempts to rape Buffy and Tara is murdered in front of Willow’s eyes after they mend their relationship.

other friends?

Before Buffy went to Sunnydale and turned the lives of Xander and Willow upside down, the two were members of a group of close friends that included Jesse McNally. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it through to the show’s second episode, as he was turned into a vampire and dusted off by Xander.

Despite the trauma Xander went through when he killed his friend, he and Willow never raised Jesse after the show’s first season. The redditor’s anti-ghost meme humorously critiques this aspect of the show, while also pointing out the fact that Scooby-doo forgot about other characters like Amy and Cordelia after everyone graduated from high school.

buffy’s wish

Xander is the most teased member of the Scooby Gang, and Buffy is the most frequently overrated member of the group for his connections. Part of this is due to her role as the killer, but even ignoring the importance of that responsibility, her interest in men like Angel and Riley deserves to be seen. look more closely.

While many continue to see Buffy and Angel as the perfect couple, their love for each other causes Angel to lose her soul and kill Jenny Calendar. Buffy’s other long-term relationships may not be as dangerous as her romance with Angel, but they still leave her friend vulnerable.

another Tuesday

While a bit outdated considering the focus of 2020, the Monka meme still offers insight into how Scooby-Doo is dealing with a recurring doomsday threat. Instead of worrying about the end of the world, they move forward because they’ve handled the situation before.

Despite how often apocalyptic events occur in the Buffy Universe, the characters never shirk their responsibilities. They value every possibility of the apocalypse, even in comedic episodes cushion Play these activities for fun.

keep secret

Despite how close the Scoobies are to each other, there are still things they keep secret from their friends. This is especially true in the show’s sixth season, when Buffy keeps her depression private, Zander expresses doubts about marrying Anya, and Willow erases Tara’s memory to keep the relationship “fine” their determination”.

Aside from the meme being able to illustrate how Buffy keeps secrets from her friends, it also makes it clear that those secrets are dangerous to her state of mind. It would be painful for Buffy to admit to all her friends that what they did hurt her, but being open is good for all because the Scoobies can support each other to shoulder each other’s burdens.

save cushion

As one of the closest families on TV, the Scooby-Doo Team is always trying to help each other. Perhaps the best proof of this is Willow’s plan to revive Buffy after the killer sacrificed himself to save the world.

While the Willow-centric meme does a great job of summarizing Scooby-Doo’s devotion to each other, it also highlights how their actions can do more harm than good. Willow’s spell to bring Buffy back to life worked, but it returned her to the depressed state of being dragged out of Heaven.


X’s post aptly recreates the iconic “woman yells at the cat” meme, pointing out how often members of the Scooby Gang (aka Buffy) are willing to berate Spike. Vitriol was right, seeing the blond vampire oscillating between being a reluctant ally and a vengeful foe.

In addition to emphasizing Buffy’s disdain for Spike, the meme also defines how members of the Scooby-Doo gang sometimes quarrel with each other. They may be friends, but that doesn’t stop them from arguing about how to stop the villains when the fates of the world are in balance.

reliable partner

Spike and Buffy’s relationship is notoriously controversial. The two were initially enemies, before Spike was crushed by the Initiative and became a reluctant ally of the Scooby-Doo Gang, thanks in large part to his affection for Buffy.

Although Buffy never reciprocates Spike’s feelings for her and generally shows no respect for vampires, she still trusts him to take care of Dawn. Many would consider Sayed64’s meme to be an interesting glimpse into that trust, but a closer look at the image shows Scooby-Doo trusting each other, even Spike.

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