Meet Zhidong Chen, Nathan Chen Father! Bio, Age, Job

Meet Nathan Chen’s father, Zhidong Chen. Unlike her mother, very little is known about Nathan’s father. But even away from the public eye, his father played an important role in his life and the Olympian he became.

Learn more about Zhidong Chen in this article. Here we cover his age, biography, job and information about his wife and children.

Meet Zhidong Chen, father of Nathan Chen

Olympic figure skater Nathan Chen is one of five children born to Chinese immigrants. His father, Zhidong Chen, grew up in a rural Chinese town and immigrated with his wife to the United States on her student visa. This special move from his father along with his mother’s persistence is the reason why Zhidong Chen is who he is today.

Learn more about his father below.

What do we know about Zhidong Chen’s wife and children?

Zhidong Chen and his wife Hetty Wang were married several times before immigrating to the United States. Zhidong came to the United States to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy. They then arrived from Tianjin, China in 1988 and first lived in Carbondale, Illinois. They didn’t know anyone in the United States, and his wife couldn’t even speak English at the time, Nathan revealed in an interview with the New York Times.

After Carbondale, the family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, and have made their home there ever since. They raised their five children in Salt Lake. While speaking to the New York Times, Nathan said: “They don’t talk too much about their struggles, but it must have been very difficult coming to a new country, not speaking the language, not having a lot of money, not having friends. . It’s amazing how they managed to deal with it.”

His parents’ struggle pushes him to be better and he credits them for supporting all of his sporting choices.

Zhidong Chen and his wife had five children. Nathan was the youngest of five. His other siblings are Alice Chen (@alicefchen), Janice Chen (@janiceschen), Tony Chen (@runtxc) and Colin Chen.

His eldest daughter, Alice Chen @alicefchen, worked in social media for Apple News and lived in New York. She also owned her own candle company, We Are Social Club, and worked for Reese Witherspoon and Hello Sunshine’s production company Book Club.

Below Alice is Janice Chen @janiceschen, a University of California, Berkeley he graduated and became the founder of Mammoth Bioscience. He also earned a Ph.D. from the Doudna Lab at UC Berkley, and gave a 2018 TedTalk on CRISPR diagnostics.

Finally the brothers come, Tony @runtxc and Colin Chen. There were also athletes on the ice playing hockey.

Zhidong Chen era

Reportedly born in 1957, Zhoidong Chen is 64 years old as of February 2022.

Zhidong Chen’s work

Zhidong Chen is a medical researcher with a Ph.D. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Utah. He has been president of MultiTarget Pharmaceuticals LLC in Salt Lake City since 2022. He joined the organization in 2008, according to reports.

Zhidong also worked as a senior scientist for “Genta Incorporated” and “SalusTherapeuticals” over time.

Related FAQ

  • Is Zhidong Chen on Instagram?

Zhidong Chen does not have any social media platform. But he once appeared on his Instagram.

  • What nationality is Zhidong Chen?

Zhidong was born and raised in China. However, she has been living in the United States since 1988.

Categories: Biography

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