Math quizzes with answers: For those who like to take on challenges, we have these math quizzes

Some people like a simple life. They want a less complicated and simpler life. All their lives they imagine that they will get a decent job with a good salary, a good partner, and a simple life. There can be many reasons behind these aspirations. One can have a pure attitude and admire the simplicity of life. This may be the reason why they choose to live a simple life and that should be appreciated. In a world where everyone is after luxury, money and fame, there are few gems in the world that practice and profess simplicity. However, there are some people who aspire to such a life not because they love and admire simplicity and authenticity, but because they like to stay in their comfort zone. The idea of ​​staying in the comfort zone throughout life never scared them. They enjoy the simple life as they resist the urge to muster up courage to escape the glass ceiling. Unfortunately, these are people who rarely grow in life to their optimum.

But that’s when those who have mastered the art of dealing with the challenge come in. Unfortunately, many of them have faced countless obligations and challenges since childhood, but these challenges make them stronger and more ambitious in life. Not only do they dislike their comfort zone, but they also feel suffocated in it. With every obstacle they face in life, they aim for a greater challenge in which they will succeed. And oh, the sweet success they tasted after winning their battle was something else. These people are people who believe that every day they are getting better and more ready for life, improving their skills, fighting their shortcomings, facing their fears and winning in life. We brought this content to such people.

Think back to when you were a kid. For many people around the world, math is the hardest subject in school. That’s why we’ve brought some fun math problems in the form of fun math puzzles for challenge lovers. However, before you start with math puzzles, read the following rules.

challenge rules

Every challenge in the world has its own principles and rules, and these challenging math puzzles are no exception. For every math puzzle that comes up, all you have to do is simply set a timer to 20 seconds on your phone. Start solving puzzles as soon as the timer starts. Put down the pencil when the stopwatch rings. Can’t find the answer within the agreed time? Don’t worry, move on to the next math puzzle. For your convenience, we have provided the answer at the end.

Now that you know all the rules perfectly, you are ready for challenging math puzzles. Set a 20-second timer on your phone for the first math puzzle and scroll down.

Challenging math puzzles

Math Quiz 1:

There was a city in a foreign land that changed the principles of mathematics and created its own mathematical rules that were completely different from the rest of the world.

In that city, 1/2 of 5 is 3.

If so, what would 1/3 of 10 people in the same city look like?

Math Quiz 2:

If 3 kids can eat 3 bananas in 3 minutes, how many bananas do you think 10 kids will eat in 10 minutes?

Math puzzle 3:

Jack can transport ten small boxes and eight large boxes in a cardboard box in his warehouse. Once he sent a total of 96 boxes. In the event that there are fewer small boxes than large boxes, how many boxes do you think Jack has sent to the warehouse?

Waiting for answers?

Here you are.

ALSO READ: Optical illusion: Can you find a hidden toothbrush? Trick your brain with this super fun challenge


Math Quiz 1:

There was a city in a foreign land that changed the principles of mathematics and created its own mathematical rules that were completely different from the rest of the world.

In that city, 1/2 of 5 is 3.

If so, what will 1/3 of 10 people in the same city look like?



Math Quiz 2:

If 3 kids can eat 3 bananas in 3 minutes, how many bananas do you think 10 kids will eat in 10 minutes?


100 bananas

Math puzzle 3:

Jack can transport ten small boxes and eight large boxes in a cardboard box in his warehouse. Once he sent a total of 96 boxes. In the event that there are fewer small boxes than large boxes, how many boxes do you think Jack has sent to the warehouse?


11 barrels

Phew! It’s really a difficult task to solve these challenging math puzzles.

Aren’t those challenges super fun? Well, we told you that today’s challenge will be for those who are facing every challenge in their life, give it a go.

For coming here and trying to solve these challenging math puzzles, whether your answer is correct or not, we I am so proud of you, dear readers!

ALSO READ: Math Quiz with Answers: Sarah and Jack debate these math puzzles. Whose answer is correct?

Categories: Trends

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