The 100: 5 Of The Worst Things Murphy Ever Did (& The 5 Best)

During the show’s seven seasons, 100 A lot of characters make bad decisions and do bad things. Most decisions are based on their survival instincts, creating a complex world of gray rather than black and white.

John Murphy is the antagonist of many of the main characters at the beginning of the film. Over time, he became one of the good guys, even a hero. Murphy hasn’t always caught on with tough decisions the way Clark Griffin did, but he’s certainly both a villain and a hero.

Worst: Murphy tried to kill Bellamy

Murphy's Top 100 Season 1

At the beginning of the series, Murphy and Bellamy Black were allies. This will only last until Bellamy believes that Murphy killed Wells Jaha. Bellamy agrees that Murphy should be executed, but it turns out that Murphy is not.

When Murphy announced that he had forgiven his attackers, he was really just waiting for his chance, taking them down one by one. He killed two teenagers and tried to hang Bellamy just like Bellamy executed him.

Best for: He’s interested in sick criminals

Murphy In 100 S1E10 I Became Death

For a while, Murphy disappeared from the teen camp of the first season. When he returned to the camp, it was after being tortured by the Grounders for information, and accidentally contracted an illness. He spread the disease throughout the camp.

Murphy cares about those who are sick and takes care of them back to health no matter how they treat him. This action shows Murphy’s softer side.

Worst: He instigated civil war

Bellamy and Octavia watch Murphy get charged 100

Murphy has a knack for stirring up trouble in large groups. He always finds a way to pit the team members against each other. While this can mean an argument between a group of friends, in the community it means civil war.

When people thought he killed Wells in the first season, Murphy went after Charlotte for killing Wells, which pitted the teenagers in the camp against each other. He also turned the Eligius prisoners against each other when they clashed with Wonkru. The latter clash resulted in more bloodshed than the former, but the former also cost Charlotte her life.

Best: Murphy takes on Shayda

Sheidheda and Murphy play chess in Season 100

When it became clear that Sheidheda had taken over Russell Lightborne’s body, Murphy did not dismiss the news. Instead, he helps Indra track down the former leader of the Grounder clan.

While this originally meant a literal game of chess with Sheidheda in captivity, it was also symbolic chess with him. Murphy sacrificed himself to keep Sheidheda dormant and protect the rest of the reserve.

Worst: He allied with Josephine Prime

100 Josephine Lightburn

When Murphy discovered that Josephine Lightborne was living in Clarke’s body, he didn’t spend much time mourning or telling his friends right away. Instead, he reached an agreement.

Murphy has always been afraid of what happens after life. Josephine’s offer of immortality, in which his mind is transferred to another body after each death, is an offer that cannot be refused. It’s a selfish move born of fear, more reminiscent of what Murphy was at the beginning of the series than he has achieved in later seasons.

Best: He puts Madi and Emori first

Indra protects Murphy and Emori in The 100

in the previous season 100, Murphy finds himself the Sanctum’s first line of defense against Sheidheda. Although he tries to stop the leader, he does not always succeed. When Sheidheda finally took command, Murphy’s first thought was not of himself, but of Madi and Emori.

He has seen Sheidheda’s influence on Madi, even the one who helped her calm down after panic attacks. Murphy doesn’t want Maddie to face the true embodiment of her worst nightmare as he becomes Clark’s missing surrogate parent. Likewise, he ensures that Emori will keep her safe while he suffers Sheidheda’s wrath.

Worst case scenario: Murphy manipulates his friends

100 Murphy and the crow

Murphy’s survival instincts have earned him the nickname “The Cockroach” from Raven. He did whatever he needed to do and conceded a lot. The problem is that sometimes what he feels he needs to do involves getting his friends to do what he wants them to do.

Viewers see this most often with Raven. Murphy knows exactly which button to press to get her to make the decision that is in his best interest. He purposely annoys her to get her to engage in techniques she wants to let go of over and over again.

Best: He saved the children of the sanctuary

John Murphy crossed his arms

Showing how much he’s grown over the show’s previous two seasons, Murphy doesn’t just put the people he cares about first. He also puts the lives of innocent children caught up in factional warfare at the forefront of the temple.

Murphy took Emery and Maddy to a safe place in the open air and let them hide in the sanctuary’s nuclear reactor. However, he also makes sure that they hide as much as possible from the children and those who previously believed in the glory and grace of the Elements. He even, just when he and his friends thought they were safe out of Sheidheda’s range, wanted to go back and help them.

Worst: He shoots crows

100 crows

Much of Murphy’s intentional misconduct occurs early in the series. He also shot Raven Reyes in the middle of his revenge streak with other teenagers and attempted to kill Bellamy.

In fact, Murphy’s bullet was what caused the crow to have trouble walking. The shrapnel left in her body continues to do damage long after she’s actually been shot.

Best: Murphy apologizes to Ravens

Murphy apologizes to the crows in 100 S4E09

It took Murphy several seasons to get there, but he has since apologized for his actions. As the two faced the possibility of a doomsday, Murphy took a moment to tell LaVine that he was sorry his actions had affected her life.

Although Raven largely ignored his apology, the two continued to bicker for years after they left the radioactive Earth. Despite their differences, the two became loyal allies after that apology.

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