Encanto Director Is Right About The Movie’s Most Brutal Bruno Scene

by Disney Encanto One of the most emotionally brutal scenes ever to feature Bruno and director Jared Bush couldn’t agree more. While many of the heartbreaking moments throughout the film are beautiful and graceful in their own right, none compares to Bruno Madrigal’s most devastating moment. Refer to the website, Encanto Director Jared Bush tweeted “I absolutely love this revelation – this change from Bruno’s comedy to the visual shows the immense emotional power of visual storytelling.”

Bruno was born with the ability to foresee the future. Thanks to his aptitude, he becomes a neutral observer of upcoming events, with little power to change the outcome. He unjustly took responsibility for his vision of the future, and the villagers quickly declared him the villain. What started out as a blessing quickly turned into a curse, as Bruno found himself the underdog in his village, but more disastrous in his family. Abuela’s vision of perfection for Madrigal, her refusal to see them diminished, and Bruno’s often negative visions reveal a supposed weakness she fears. As the years passed, he gradually returned to himself, and when he finally predicted, through Mirabelle, that Madrigal’s house would be destroyed, he fled Casita with the Viewfinder.

When Mirabel finds her Tio Bruno inside Casita’s walls, she walks into his corner and sees a small place painted on a rickety table. Light shone through the gap in the wall in front of her, and Mirabell peered inside, realizing that Bruno had been quietly enjoying meals with his family in his room all these years when they thought he was gone. of family ties. It is clear how dysfunctional the family is beneath the facade of perfection that Abuela demands. In that brief moment, all rumors of Bruno’s supposed mischief dissipated, and he turned out to be an unjustly ostracized, traumatized man.

Why is Bruno’s disc scene in Encanto so heartbreaking

Bruno looks confused in Encanto

Despite Bruno’s unfair treatment by the pastoral team Encanto, he still loves his family and can’t stand the thought of never seeing them again. Instead of setting off on his own as far as possible, he stayed nearby. In fact, so close that he was right under their noses. As they went on with their lives and sang songs about his evil, Bruno quietly watched his loved ones from hiding and always forgave their constant slander.

Traumatic situations between generations are never as simple and straightforward as they appear to an outsider, but rather Encanto Detailed discussion. Because Abuela was unable to admit her mistakes and her own misguided but well-intentioned efforts to protect her children from the hurt she suffered, she ended up sowing trauma and own insecurities onto the family, and continued this cycle. Bruno is an eccentric, kind soul, endowed with a power he never asked for. He tries his best to please Abuela, but ends up being cast as the black sheep and the family scapegoat. He just wants to be loved and accepted, which is reflected in Mirabell’s quest for the same. His desire to maintain his family image is heartbreaking as he always forgives any bad behavior towards him and only wants the love and acceptance of those he cares about most. Encantodespite his feelings for you.

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