Beautiful messages, sayings and beautiful images about World Environment Day 2023

Editing Depor 06/03/2023 16:42 m.

He World Environment Day 2023, held annually on 5 June since 1973 and sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), is the largest international forum for environmental advocacy and attracts millions of people around the world participate. That’s why we’re leaving you today beautiful messages, sayings and pictures on this important day.

Every year the host is a different country and this year 2023 is the host and organizer Ivory Coast. This year it is held 50th anniversary of this world day It was first established by the United Nations General Assembly (UN) in 1972.

Its celebration has grown over the past 50 years and become one of the major international forums on environmental protection. Tens of millions of people have signed up for various activities, events and initiatives around the world, in person and electronically.

short ecological phrase

Join the celebration for World Environment Day 2023 this June 5. you can do it with this short ecological phrase which you can place on banners or posters:

  • Caring for the environment is our shared responsibility. Take action today for a sustainable future!
  • On this World Environment Day, let’s remember that every small action counts. Together, we can make a difference.
  • The planet that gives us life and beauty. Let’s celebrate this World Environment Day by committing to preserving it for future generations.
  • Nature is our inspiration and balance. Do all you can to protect the environment on this World Environment Day and every day.
  • World Environment Day reminds us to be stewards of the Earth. Let’s take this opportunity to restore and preserve our common home.
  • On this World Environment Day, let us choose hope and action over indifference. Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable world.
  • Climate change can’t wait, why should we? Let’s make World Environment Day the beginning of a long-term commitment to protecting our planet.
  • World Environment Day is a reminder that our actions have an impact. Let’s make conscious decisions to protect our natural environment.
  • Mother Earth needs us and we need her. Let’s unite together on this World Environment Day to protect and cherish our common home.
  • We celebrate the diversity of life on our planet and work together on this World Environment Day to build a future in harmony with nature.

environmental expression for children

Children are an important part of raising awareness about World Environment Day 2023 this June 5. you can do it with this environmental expression for children which you can use:

  • Let’s protect the Earth, it’s our home and we must protect it.
  • Small actions make big changes. Help take care of the environment.
  • Recycling is fun and helps conserve our resources.
  • Plant a tree and you will bring life to the planet.
  • Animals are our friends, protect their natural home.
  • Turn off the lights when you don’t need them and you’ll save energy.
  • Water is a treasure, use it responsibly.
  • Explore nature, learn from it and preserve it.
  • Cloth bags are great, they help reduce the use of plastic.
  • Play outside and enjoy the beauty of nature.

reflect on the environment

Is there a better day? World Environment Day 2023 to think about it. you can do it with this reflection of the environment What you can do this June 5th:

  • The person who says the river is dirty is not an activist. An activist is a river cleaner (Ross Perot).
  • Infinite sadness is due to the assumption that nature speaks but man does not listen (Victor Hugo).
  • The ocean is a common sewer (Jacques Yves Cousteau).
  • What we do with the world’s forests is a mirror image of what we do to ourselves and others (Mahatma Gandhi).
  • We will never know the value of water until the well is dry (Thomas Fuller).
  • Like music and art, a love of nature is a lingua franca that can transcend political and social boundaries (Jimmy Carter).
  • No one is born an environmentalist. Only your path, your life and your travels wake you up (Yann Arthus-Bertrand).

Pictures of World Environment Day 2023

Images in response to World Environment Day 2023 (Image: in response to World Environment Day 2023 (Image: Images for World Environment Day 2023 (Image: Pinterest)Images for World Environment Day 2023 (Image: Pinterest) Images for World Environment Day 2023 (Image: Barcelona City Council)Images for World Environment Day 2023 (Image: Barcelona City Council)

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