Andor’s Rebel Leader Could Be Padme’s Secret Legacy

one Star Wars’ latest role from Andorra Possibly related to Padmé Amidala’s legacy. Set in the dark ages of imperial rule, Andorra Stellan Skarsgård plays Luther, a rebel agent who runs a network of agents during the early days of the Rebel Alliance. He is well supported by Kleya Marki, played by Elizabeth Dulau. She’s just as mysterious as Luzen, but—since she operates in the dark rather than the spotlight—viewers don’t have much to speculate about her origins.

Kleya is technically Luther’s assistant in his antique shop, but she’s also an important asset, serving as a warning voice when Luther is prone to adventure. Watch Kleya Marki help Luther run his shop, while secretly meeting with their agents, always careful to avoid the Empire’s attention as they conduct business in Coruscant, the heart of the Empire’s power country. However, there are some subtle clues that Kleya started spying long before the rise of the Empire and that she may actually be one of Padmé Amidala’s handmaidens who joined Luther after Amidala’s death. Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

Luthen’s shop in Andorra has a strong connection with Naboo

Andorra Season 1 Episode 9 Luther Rael Padme

Interestingly, Luther’s shop features a number of items from Padmé’s hometown of Naboo, some of which may have even been worn by the queen-turned-senator herself. Luther’s Gallery in Andorra Including Padmé in Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones After she returned to Naboo with Anakin Skywalker, who was assigned to protect her following the assassinations of Zam Wessel and Jango Fett. And a personal energy shield from Gungans Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace Used by the Gungan army when fighting the Trade Federation’s battle robots.

Based on the theory that Kleya may have been one of Padmé’s former handmaidens, it’s not hard to imagine her bringing these shelves from Naboo to Luther to display in his shop. After all, Naboo is also the hometown of Emperor Palpatine. The reason is that the crown and shield are both valuable to any customer of the Lucerne store.

Luther’s companion Kleya remains a Star Wars mystery – but could be Amidalan

Andor Episode 8

Padmé’s legacy continues into the original trilogy era through the formation of the Amidalans, a combined force of former handmaidens and a group of Naboo warriors loyal to Padmé. The group comes together to get revenge on Darth Vader, whom they blame for Padmé’s death. While the Dark Lord of the Sith had destroyed most of the group in between events this The Empire Strikes Back And return of jediThe maid is alive Andorra.

Little is known, however, of what the maids did in the years following Padmé’s death. Thus, Kleya Marki could be a cover or even the real name of one of Padmé’s maids, as they gave themselves a new name while serving Amidala (as revealed in E.K. Johnston’s Padmé trilogy) . More specifically, Kleya could be Rabé, a maid known for her forgery techniques, a criminal record, and an implied network of informants and suppliers. It is easy to see that Rabé’s skills are very useful to Luther Rael, helping him build his own network against the Empire.

Connecting Padme Amidala will help Andor fit into the broader Star Wars story

Star Wars: Padmé Amidala, played by Natalie Portman

If Kleya is indeed revealed to be Rabé (or one of the other handmaidens), this would create an important connection to the prequel trilogy – further tying Padmé Amidala’s legacy to the birth of the Rebel Alliance. This would be important for many reasons, mainly because Padmé herself would likely play a role in the birth of the Uprising if she herself lived to witness the darkness of Empire. At last, Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the SithThe deleted scene sets up Padmé with Senator Bail Organa and Mon Mothma against Palpatine (this was passed on by Daniel Wallace) rebellious archives).

Andorra Kleya Marki is as mysterious as Luthen Rael herself. However, she looks like she could possibly be one of Amidala’s handmaidens, and is now looking to honor Padmé’s legacy by continuing to fight for galactic freedom and restore democracy. Star Wars. Although the theory is still mostly speculation, there are enough fundamental clues to make it a solid theory Andorra Part 2 is expected to be confirmed.

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