Man’s best friend. Loyal dog loves his owner so much that he uses his nose to push a wheelchair

It is an accepted fact that not only are humans always there to help animals in need, but animals can also help people in need.

A man named Danilo Alarcon has a dog named Digong. The man has had a dog since he was a puppy.

Unfortunately, the man had a motorcycle accident and was unable to walk. He uses a wheelchair to get around.

A devoted dog just seven months old has helped a man by pushing a wheelchair with his nose. A dog cuddling its owner.

Dogs and humans have such a strong bond. The scene made many people’s heart flutter. The couple even filmed the scene.

They reached out and got information. They are invited to lunch. A dog is a man’s true friend.

Humans and dogs are always side by side. When the dog is tired, the man puts it on his lap to rest. The touching scene attracted the attention of many people.

This dog is a healing power for humans. A dog makes a man’s day easier. He is like an angel and protector of humans. A dog lightens man’s burden.

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