Stable Diffusion vs. Midjourney — which is the best AI art tool?

Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are two of the most exciting AI text-to-image models for imaging available today. They make it extremely easy to create great looking works of art from just a few text queries. But if you want to create new AI art for your DnD character portrait, or concept art for something you’re working on, what’s the best AI art tool?

In the Stable Diffusion vs. Midjourney, which is better? Let’s take a look at these two deep learning tools to see which one is best for you.

How do you approach Stable Diffusion and Midjourney?

Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are both publicly available, but they are in different stages of development and can be accessed in different ways.

Stable Diffusion was published in August 2022 by startup Stability AI, along with several nonprofit and academic researchers. Unlike other text-to-image deep learning models, however, Stable Diffusion isn’t limited to the cloud — you can run it locally. By following the installation steps, you can run Stable Diffusion on your desktop or laptop (as long as you have at least 4 GB of VRAM) or on your Mac. There are also a number of cloud services available that allow you to use Stable Diffusion without install it yourself, although they are not necessarily related to the developers.

Midjourney, on the other hand, cannot run on your PC. Released in July 2022, Midjourney is only available through your Discord bot, but you can invite it to your own server for the equivalent of using the tool in person. Midjourney is currently in open beta and will be for the foreseeable future.

Run the local version of Stable Diffusion in your web browser.

What is the difference between stable diffusion and half trip?

Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are similar tools in that they both use text-based instructions to generate impressive AI-generated images, but they have quite different feature sets and both have advantages and disadvantages.

Stable Diffusion, for example, offers much deeper image customization options. You can adjust the size of the image down to the individual pixel, decide how strict the AI ​​should be in following your instructions, the initial value, which samples are used to feed the AI ​​engine, and there are thousands of illustrations. models to choose from, helping to generate different styles of art based on your inquiries.

Midjourney only has a few dozen model variants, and while you can adjust the aspect ratio and choose which generation of Midjourney’s algorithm to use, they don’t provide anything like the variation or options that Stable Diffusion does. There is an argument that Midjourney produces better quality images, at least with comparatively less work, but dedicated AI writers claim that Stable Diffusion can produce images as realistic or high quality as Midjourney with the right inputs.

Stable Diffusion also offers internal and external painting, filling in gaps in images to repair damage or wear from time, and expanding an image beyond its original boundaries, whereas Midjourney does not. Because it’s only available on public forms, Midjourney has a more robust content filter, while Stable Diffusion can be customized.

AI stability has enabled the Stable Diffusion source code, although it is not open source. Midjourney is completely proprietary and the source code is not publicly available. However, it is believed that Midjourney is somehow based on Stable Diffusion.

Due to how Midjourney is accessed through Discord and it’s cloud-only, it’s arguably easier to use and access than Stable Diffusion, but once both tools are up and running, they’re just as easy to use.

Halfway view of a student and his robot friend in front of the blackboard.Halfway view of a student and his robot friend in front of the blackboard.

Are Stable Diffusion and Midjourney free?

Both Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are free to use, but you can also pay for an upgraded service.

With Midjourney, you are free to use the Discord bot as part of the trial, which gives you approximately 25 minutes of time to create digital art, with up to three concurrent jobs and up to 10 queues. After that, if you want to use it again, you will need to create a new Discord account or pay for premium subscription plans. They come in Basic, Standard, and Professional tiers, priced at $10, $30, and $60 per month. They offer additional “fast” and “relax” GPU time to render much more images. With the Pro Plan, you can also run up to 12 concurrent quick jobs and three relaxed jobs at the same time.

Stable Diffusion is completely free to use and can be set up and run by anyone with powerful enough hardware. However, certain cloud services that offer Stable Diffusion functionality without requiring you to install it yourself may charge users a number of fees that vary from service to service.

Do you have images made with Stable Diffusion and Midjourney?

The legal reality of AI-generated images is murky, with ongoing lawsuits from artists claiming that AI tools like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney have illegally used the original images of human artists to create their models, infringing their copyrights.

However, while those legal complexities are worked out, the official rules for Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are slightly different. Stable Diffusion is also freely available, and under its terms and conditions, anyone who creates an image using Stable Diffusion owns the commercial rights to that image.

Midjourney, on the other hand, grants all images created as part of the free trial a Creative Commons license, so technically no one owns them and anyone can use them for anything. However, if you pay for any of the subscription plans, you get a general commercial license to use the images, retaining ownership of them if someone else tries to use them.

Which is better, Stable Diffusion or Midjourney?

Stabel Diffusion and Midjourney are powerful AI art tools, but which is better? It depends on whether you just want to play with them to produce something quickly, or if you don’t mind learning how to use the tools to get what you want.

Midjourney is easier to get started, more accessible, and produces high-quality images quickly and easily from limited inputs. This makes it ideal for a one-time or quick test of the tool, and especially for anyone who is already a regular Discord user. However, its free trial is extremely limited, if you don’t use Discord it can be a pain to get started, and it has nothing like the breadth of options that Stable Diffusion has.

By comparison, Stable Diffusion is completely free and can be run locally so you can use it on any computer, even if you’re offline. You also have a much wider range of options and settings that you can play with to create images with different styles and higher quality images in some cases. But it requires extra work and you will have to learn how to use it to get the most out of it.

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Categories: GAMING

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