How to use the Sudowrite Story Engine to write full-length novels with AI

Sudowrite Story Engine is a tool designed to help you finish, finish, or generate an entire novel from scratch. It uses the power of OpenAI’s aAI natural language model (the same one that drives versions of ChatGPT) to generate text for a real novel. It is not perfect and you will have to edit it a lot. But it’s a fantastic tool for creating the skeletons of a story or building something else on top of that.

Here’s how to use Sudowrite’s Story Engine to write your own novel.

Note: The law of writing for AI-generated content is still very murky and is likely to change a lot in the coming years. It’s probably best not to use Sudowrite to generate entire novels if you plan to market them, but tweaks, story suggestions, and edits should be fine.

How to use the Sudowrite story engine

Sudowrite has a number of tools to help writers with prompts and generated paragraphs, but Story Engine works a little differently. Here’s how to get started with it.

Step 1: Go to the Sudowrite home page and select Apply to log in with an existing account or the one you will open with.

Step 2 – Sudowrite is a paid service, starting at $10 per month for the entry level. However, you can use the free trial for any of them to play with Story Engine. Select the level you want the trial to continue at if you don’t already have a subscribed account.

Step 3: On the main Sudowrite page, select history engine from the left pane.

Sudowrite main page.

Step 4: On the next page you will find a series of form fields to fill out. Each one serves a different purpose in informing the Story Engine what they want the book to be about, its style, and to some extent, its substance.

Start with the box checked brain dump, and write everything you can think about the novel. Do not stop. If it refers to a novel, put it below. The more information the engine has to work with, the more precise it can be in terms of what you want.

Step 5: Once you’re done, move on to the genre and style sections. The genre can be as specific or as vague as you like, leaving room for interpretation. Try to include a few different genres that your book could include, if you feel it is appropriate.

In terms of style, you may want to research different literary styles so that you can more accurately instruct the AI ​​on how to approach the novel. You might want to include things like “avoid clichés,” “heavy exposition,” or “limit metaphors.”

For more information, hover over ? next to each section. Explain what aspect of the story that shape field affects.

Step 6 – Once you have filled in those fields to the best of your ability, select Trigger next to the Synopsis section, and the AI ​​will write a synopsis of your story. If you want to personalize it, you can add additional information to the rewrite the synopsis field, and the AI ​​will retry the synopsis.

Alternatively, if you’ve already written a synopsis, insert it there.

Using the Sudowrite story engine to generate synopsis.

Step 7 – Scroll down to the next field and you will be able to enter information about your characters: who they are, what they look like, what they do, their preferences, fears, etc. Alternatively, press Trigger again and Sudowrite Story Engine will create some characters for you.

Using Sudowrite Story Engine to create characters.

Step 8 – You then have the option to add a summary to your story. If you have an act-by-act or chapter-by-chapter plan for how your story should go, put it here. Again you can also use AI to generate outlines per selection Trigger button.

Using Sudowrite Story Engine to create a story outline.

Step 9: Finally in Chapter 1 section, you can start writing your story. You can write it yourself with the help of artificial intelligence or put clear instructions for artificial intelligence on how to write it. Alternatively, just press Trigger and they will do their best based on the plans and other information you have provided.

Whether you write it yourself, let the AI ​​do all the work, or put it together with the help of the AI ​​is up to you, but you’ll have instant access to your schematic and other elements that Story Engine throws up. to help you.

He beats The section helps you see the main elements of the first chapter: what they should be, what hooks you could use, where your characters will be introduced, and more.

in Prose section below that, you will find the story itself. As with all other sections, enter any information you’d like to include, or write the chapter yourself if you prefer.

Is here Trigger The button has several options. He the most accurate will generate the best text, but at a slower speed. You also have options to the best prose, and The fastest, that generate text faster, but with less precision, based on your queries. The writing it produces is unlikely to be that strong.

Sudowrite story engine that creates your own chapters.

Step 10: Now comes the hard part: the editing. Sudowrite’s Story Engine is far from perfect and you will find that it makes mistakes. He is also not as strong a writer as most human writers. You will want to read everything he writes and make your own adjustments and changes, especially if you plan to publish this novel under your own name.

To help you with this, you can use the History tool at the top Prose field. It looks like a clock with an arrow that rotates counterclockwise. It will show you the changes that you or the AI ​​have made. You can also make the AI ​​try everything again by adjusting any other field and then pressing Resume button.

Step 11 – When you are happy with the final results, copy and paste using Copy button next to History button at the top of the field or send to doc button at the bottom of the field. This will make it easy to export content out of Sudowrite if you want, or send it back to the main Sudowrite tool so you can continue typing with the help of AI.

Step 12 – When you’re ready to move on to the next chapter, scroll to the top of the Story Engine page and select 2. Chapter from the drop down menu. Alternatively, select create a chapter button to go beyond the initial chapters.

Sudowrites the chapter work.

You’ll still need to improve the AI ​​a lot and build the chapters into a cohesive story, but the Sudowrite Story Engine has the potential to help you write your next novel.

Want another set of AI eyes to check your work? Take a look at the newest additions to ChatGPT. They make it even more capable than it already was.

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Categories: How to

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