Real friends. Loyal dog can’t stop crying because he regrets parting with his best friend

The animals in the shelter always have a bad past and their future is unclear. This story is about two dogs who are inseparable loyal friends.

The shelter gave the dogs up for adoption. The staff always hope that the two dogs will be adopted by the same owner and will always be together.

The dog didn’t stay long in the owner’s house because he was crying and couldn’t live without his friend. The dog was returned to the shelter.

Soon, two dogs were adopted by a man. The dog’s former owner lost his home, he brought the dogs to the shelter and said they couldn’t live without each other.

One of the dogs was named Rocky and the other Schwabbo. Rocky is always looking for Schwabbo. The two dogs are loyal friends and their relationship is too close.

When one of the dogs, Rocky, was adopted, and the other dog, Schwabbo, stayed at the shelter. Two dogs are in mourning. Fortunately, the two currently live in the same house. Their reunion was touching and heartwarming.

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