Love During Lockup Dustin Bio, Age, Last Name, Instagram

love during confinement it’s currently in its second season, and one inmate we know of is Dustin. He is currently in a relationship with former prison nurse Jessica. Find out more details about his age, last name, job and more.

Keep scrolling down to find out more about Dustin.

Love during confinement are dustin and jessica still together?

IN love during confinement, Dustin’s family shares his story with the women. In one episode, Jessica meets Dustin’s family and expresses her affection and loyalty to Dustin. She flaunts the tattoo she got for Dustin with his last name and that she wants his last name for life.

However, Dustin’s sister who appeared on the show was quick to point out that “he’s never been faithful to a woman.” When Jessica asks if Dustin is just telling her what she wants to hear, Jessica agrees that “there’s always that possibility.”

“I know because my brother used to say that every time he went to prison,” Dustin’s sister explained.

Jessica risks losing her own family and her job when she strikes up a romance with Dustin, an inmate. They met at the correctional facility where Jessica works as a nurse. They soon established a relationship that turned into a romantic relationship.

Dustin would always find a reason to visit the correctional facility and spend time with her. One thing led to another, and before they knew it, the duo were on the path of love. Their interactions soon become more intense. It became increasingly difficult to visit each other every day without angering the prison administration. Jessica came up with a new plan.

Love after lockdown srar made up his mind. She wants nothing more than a romantic relationship with Dustin. However, since relationships between inmates and prison staff are strictly prohibited, Jessica quits her job and abandons her career to be with Dustin, her new love.

Not only that, love during confinement the couple intends to stay together forever. She is ready to make it and follow her heart at all costs. She won’t just leave her job. To be with Dustin when he’s released, she’s ready to pack up and move to Tennessee.

However, there is a catch. Jessica has a few errands to run before they can be together in Tennessee. Before she can continue her relationship with Dustin, she must first meet her family, then win her affections and obtain her consent. She thinks it shouldn’t be a particularly demanding task. But it won’t be as simple as she predicts.

Jessica believes that Dustin is being treated unfairly in prison because of her. She goes on to say that the DOC is trying to break it up. love during confinement couple.

Love During Lock Up Dustin’s Arrest History

Love During Incarceration Dustin was originally in prison after he was convicted of violating his probation in September 2021. This stems from a prior conviction for robbery and grand theft. He was sentenced to 40 months in prison with credit for 768 days.

However, while serving his sentence, Dustin reported assaulting another inmate in 2022. According to court records. i’m getting old As has been exclusively obtained, Dustin was being held at the Nassau County Detention Center when the incident occurred in November 2021. Inside the facility, a video surveillance camera captured Dustin approaching another inmate from behind.

An officer who viewed the video says Dustin “can be seen planting his left leg, clenching his fist, and punching the victim in the face. This is done without any known provocation, and the victim did not see it.” The responding officer waited for the jail officer to finish his report in the holding area. Dustin “admitted multiple times to hitting the victim ‘because of the accusations’. and so he could be taken out of the capsule.”

Dustin is charged with the criminal offense of Violence Against a Person in Custody (Custody Battle). In April of this year, Dustin pleaded guilty to the crime and received 12 months in prison. He was credited with 160 completed days.

Dustin’s initial receive date was January 12, 2022, and its current airdate is December 14, 2022.

Love during the closing of the Dustin Era

At the time of filming Lockdown Love, Dustin was 27 years old. This makes him 17 years younger than his lover Jessica, who is 44.

What is love during the Dustin Surname lockdown?

Dustin Love During Lockup’s last name is “Phillip” based on the tattoo Jessica got of his last name.

Love During Incarceration Dustin Height

Hunting during lockdown star Dustin is 6 feet 2 inches tall. He also has a tattoo on his chest that could be considered his special feature.

Related FAQ

  • Where did the love come from during Dustin’s incarceration?

Dustin from Love during lockup came from Tennessee.

  • Love during lockdown is Dustin on Instagram and Facebook?

No, Dustin from WeTV’s Love during lockup doesn’t seem to be on Instagram and Facebook.

Categories: Biography

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