Servant season 4 finale ending explained

ServerThe final season was emotional, horrifying, and heartbreaking all rolled into one. Apple TV+ wrapped up M. Night Shyamalan’s twisted and haunting Alfred Hitchcock-esque story, one of Apple TV+’s first original series, in a way that felt rushed but also satisfying.

The story begins when a married couple enlists the help of a young woman named Leanne (Nell Tiger Free) to care for their young son. However, as revealed in previous seasons, Jericho sadly perished after being accidentally left in a car on a hot night. Grief-stricken and catatonic, her mother Dorothy (Lauren Ambrose) is given a lifelike doll to help her cope, a radical new form of therapy. But in the end, she completely suppressed the memory of her child’s death, believing the doll to be a real baby. Then something strange happened. When Leanne entered her life, a doll become real.

Through a series of supernatural events, a twisted cult story, and Dorothy’s husband Sean (Toby Kebbell) coming to terms with the fact that Leanne, though powerful, didn’t actually bring Jericho back to life, season three ended in tragedy. A terrible “accident”, coincidentally just as Dorothy was trying to disappear into the night with Jericho, rendered the woman temporarily immobile. Leanne now had even more power and was ready to use it.

A meaner, sinister Leanne

Leanne dressed for Halloween walks outside in a scene from The Servant.

Season 4 opens with Leanne smugly enjoying Dorothy’s plight and the control it gives her over the woman. A mystical being or just a troubled young woman (or both), it’s obvious that Leanne just wants Dorothy and Jericho to herself. They are a symbol of family and a mother figure, she wanted to have them.

While Leanne is still being hunted by the Church of Lesser Saints, she is protected by her strange powers and defected to the homeless who worship her as their new leader. But she Leanne can’t trust anyone. A neighbor, a woman running down the street, or a friendly passerby can be, and likely is, a cult member in disguise.

Paranoia increasingly leads Leanne to do horrible things like blow up birds to attack enemies, create an infestation of bedbugs, and even brutally attack an innocent child and break his arm because she thinks he’s “one of them.” When Leanne confesses to the mother-like doll in her bedroom, her power consumes her. But she also likes it. For the first time, viewers begin to wonder if her Leanne may be a manifestation of evil rather than the cult she once belonged to.

When two elderly caretakers, Bobbie (Barbara Kingsley) and Bev (Denny Dillon), move in to care for Dorothy, Leanne’s anger deepens. Of course, it turns out that one of them is a cult member trying to kill Leanne. Julian rescues her in the blink of an eye, but a desperate Dorothy and Sean, finally reunited, realize how dangerous Leanne is and try to hatch a plan to get rid of her. Easier said than done.

i was looking at you

Dorothy looks at something, a look of shock and horror on her face in The Servant.

While fans have long known that Leanne entered a child beauty pageant that Dorothy covered for a news channel years earlier, Dorothy finally got to see it with her own eyes. Creepy Uncle George (Boris McGiver) tells Sean and Julian (Rupert Grint) some heartbreaking supposed truths, prompting Dorothy to go through old tapes of her. As she plays tape after tape, Dorothy sees Leanne in the background of each segment on the same day every year: the day her mother died in a fire.

It’s a chilling revelation that only increases Dorothy’s desire to get rid of Leanne once and for all. But Dorothy is also feeling maternal empathy, perhaps even adulation, that Leanne has done so much for Dorothy. Leanne is dangerous, but deep down she’s just a lonely and troubled young woman. So much so that she wooed Dorothy with the promise of bringing her son back into her life.

After another failed attempt to kill Leanne, this time by Uncle George, who ends up dead, Leanne commits her most heinous act, nearly killing Sean and Julian. She can now be alone with Dorothy and Jericho like Leanne thinks she should be.

Dorothy finally snapped out of it

Dorothy collapsed on the steps of her home in Servant.

The overarching question throughout the series has been: when will Dorothy recover and remember what really happened to Jericho? That moment finally comes in the penultimate episode.

The reaction is exactly as fans imagined. Dorothy is confused at first, but the honesty in Sean and Julian’s confessions brings the memories back. Dorothy screams, cries, and falls to the ground. In one fell swoop, she must decide whether to deal with her pain or wait for a second chance with “her child” from her, now turned back into a doll, through the resurrection powers promised by Leanne.

The most surprising thing about the ending is not that Dorothy finally allows herself to cry, but that she wants to forgive and help Leanne. She convinces the young woman that she is valuable and loved, that she is not responsible for the death of her parents, and that she deserves to be happy.

But it’s too late. Leanne realizes that she will never get what she wants. She sprays gasoline on the Turner house and lights a match that symbolically falls next to the doll on the couch. She sings, dances and listens to music in the attic as she tensely waits for the flames to rise high enough to engulf her. They do, and the scene is tragic, explosive, and cathartic.

concluding remarks

Officer Reyes sits at the table with Sean and Dorothy in a scene from The Servant.

The turns, however, are lower. After a fire and a suspicious body go missing, Dorothy learns something shocking about Officer Reyes. Dorothy now remembers the compassionate officer who shared kind words with her the day Jericho died. She also returned to the Turner house for the second time in the previous season to search for Leanne. It turns out that Officer Reyes is actually a member of the Church of the Lesser Saints. He wants Dorothy to know that she and the others are there for her.

But Dorothy and Sean have no intention of returning home. They are ready to focus on each other, finally process the death of their son, and move on.

Julian, his mouth open in horror in a scene from The Servant.

Meanwhile, Julian tries to make up for it all by going to town for coffee when Officer Reyes approaches him. She reveals who she is and reminds him of the time Leanne restarted her heart when it stopped beating due to a drug overdose. It was for the purpose, she says, of doing something meaningful with her second chance.

A skeptical Julian rebuffs her, but when he turns around, he sees the reflection of a dove image across the street in a store window, with two wings appearing on either side of it. Either Julian has now become the new fallen angel, absorbing all of Leanne’s powers, she will feel compelled to join the Church of Lesser Saints, or she will forever bully him until she does. And he knows it. The family may be free without Leanne, but they can’t escape the cult’s clutches.

In its center, Server it was about love, loss, obsession, taking advantage of the vulnerable, and the importance of dealing with grief. In many ways, Leanne and Dorothy were more alike than they realized. Neither of them faced their duel in a healthy way and, out of desperation, united them in a toxic and dangerous couple. In the last moments, both were finally released, although it was not as they intended.

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Categories: GAMING

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