Resident Evil 4 lock codes: how to solve the Village Chief’s Manor combination lock puzzles

in the world of resident evil 4, it’s not just the existence of viruses and parasites that turn normal people into insane zombies that sets it apart from our own reality. In this area, most of the houses and buildings not only lock their doors, but secure them with obscure puzzles, like the one you’ll find at the start when you reach the village chief’s castle. This small house has two main obstacles that prevent him from moving forward and pursuing his goal of finding the president’s daughter. While there is a key to the first puzzle, it’s still a bit cryptic and easy to miss, while the second is much less clear on what you’re being asked to do. Don’t let these first puzzles confuse you for long – use our help to solve the puzzles of the Manor village chief in resident evil 4.

How to solve the cabinet lock puzzle

A rotating lock with symbols on it.

After entering the castle and dealing with the lone enemy in the bathroom, the first puzzle you need to solve is on the ground floor. At the back of the house, down the red grass hallway, is a large closet. The lock has three symbols that you need to line up correctly to open it, and these symbols include things like wheat, animals, babies, and birds. You won’t be able to guess this one, so you need to go up to the second floor and examine the book on the hall table. This document, called “Illuminados 4:3”, presents the solution. An important part is the central passage with prominent text that reads: “The old farmer, his best crop. / The weak little pig, his fattest pig. / The beggar grandmother, her own beloved son.”

This of course means that the solution will be the symbols for wheat, a pig and a baby (not other pigs if you were thinking baby like ours). Inside, you’ll pick up a glass marble, which is needed to open another locked door on the second floor. Don’t let your guard down though because that villager you took care of in the bathroom is back to attack you on the way.

How to solve a marble puzzle

Clicker with bug-shaped bubbles.

Taking the glass marble upstairs and dropping it on the locked door will trigger the second and final puzzle in the village chief’s castle. This one, however, is much more difficult than the first.

You will be shown a magnified image of a marble filled with air bubbles and a cult symbol in the middle. Your goal is to direct the bubbles so that they all line up and form the symbol shape behind them. The trick is that you have to move the marble in 3D space, side to side and back and forth, to line it up. Since there is no clear way to direct your moves, the best strategy we found was to “flip” towards the bubbles so they are as flat as possible. After that you just need to determine if you need to rotate it to align or rotate the entire clicker if it is upside down.

Once you place it, the door will finally open and you can explore the last room of the castle.

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