Personality test: Sleeping position reveals these personality traits

Sleep Personality Quiz: You’ll be surprised to learn that the way you sleep also reveals your hidden personality traits. The European Personality Journal claims that the quality of sleep you get this week has the potential to affect your personality in the next 5 years. Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell has conducted pioneering work investigating the relationship between sleeping positions and personality traits. “The way we sleep is the way we live,” Dunkell writes in his book Sleeping Positions.

A growing number of sleep studies show that our sleeping positions can reveal hidden insights into our personalities. For example, people who lie on their backs are often seen as confident and independent, while people on their stomachs are often seen as more sensitive and emotional.

What does your sleeping position say about your personality? Of course, there is no single answer to this question and there are many other factors that can affect our sleeping position. However, the Sleep Personality Test can be a fun and insightful way to learn more about yourself and your unique personality traits.

Read the Jagran Josh Sleep Personality Test to find out what your sleeping position says about you!

What does your sleeping position say about you?

What does your sleeping position say about you?

#1 Sleeping position on your back Personality

Back sleeping position Personality

If you are a back sleeper, the back personality traits suggest that you are focused, quiet, and strong. You avoid conflict and stay away from chaos. It is better to tell the truth than to tell a hundred lies. You like structure and order. You also have high expectations of yourself and others. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself. You rarely react too quickly in any situation. You are very optimistic. You have the desire to live life to the fullest. You also like to be the center of attention. You may have a strong personality. You are very stubborn in achieving your life goals.

#2 Personality of the baby’s sleeping position

Fetal sleeping position Personality

If you sleep curled up like a baby, your personality traits when lying in the fetal position reveal that you appear tough on the world around you, but on the inside you are a sensitive person. and shy. You can be quite introverted. You may have a strong desire to be protected, nurtured, and understood. You can enjoy creative activities like writing, painting, dancing, singing, blogging, etc., these activities give you a platform to express yourself and your hidden desires. me. Sleeping in the fetal position also helps you disconnect from any problems you may have in your waking life.

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#3 Tummy sleep personality

Stomach sleeping personality

If you’re a stomach sleeper, your stomach traits reveal that you’re a cheerful, energetic, and outgoing person. You’re usually the ‘straightforward’ type, but you can be a little harsh at times. You have tremendous clarity about what you want out of life. You embody the spirit of freedom in the way you move in life. However, you may also feel nervous or anxious inside. You like to be in control of everything. You may also find it difficult to deal with criticism constructively.

#4 Sleeping on your side Personality

Stomach sleeping personality

If you are a side sleeper, the side sleeping trait shows that you are a relaxed and sociable person. You can start a conversation with anyone in the room, even while on the subway. However, you prefer to be your true self with your close group. You are also very gullible so you can sometimes seem easily persuaded. But what people don’t know about you is that you take everything into account and can be quite slow in making decisions.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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