Resident Evil 4: How long to beat and how many chapters

from capcom resident evil 4 the remake is not your typical double entendre video game. instead of taking a dead space approaches and delivers a fairly faithful 1:1 remake, a new version resident evil 4 is a radically altered version of the 2005 horror classic. Not only has the gameplay been thoroughly revised, but the story as well. In some cases, familiar beats are completely reimagined, changing several key things about the structure of the original.

You might be wondering how this affects the life of the new version. Yes, there are some changes, especially in the structure of the chapters. Here’s how long it will take you to complete the new version and how many chapters you can expect.

How long is Resident Evil 4?

Leon fights against parasites in the remake of Resident Evil 4.

Original resident evil 4 it’s a longer outing for a horror series. While it can be played in 10 hours if you get involved with its story, some of its more open areas give the game window some flexibility. On average, the 2005 version takes about 15 hours to complete.

version 2023 resident evil 4 it’s almost exactly in line with that despite being a very different game. Our first match lasted between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Note that we also didn’t save the file 100%, leaving some blue requests unfinished and not racking up perfect scores on the shooting range. If you want to spend some time with it, you can expect 25-30 hours of gameplay.

And of course, that’s not even including New Game+, its challenge system, and the upcoming Mercenaries mode. True finishers can look forward to spending a lot more time with it if they want to fully unlock everything it has to offer.

How many chapters does Resident Evil 4 have?

Garrador stands out in the new version of Resident Evil 4.

The biggest change in resident evil 4 not in its length, but in the structure of its chapters. The original game was divided into 19 chapters divided into five different acts. The starting village set, for example, represents the first three chapters of the game.

On the contrary, resident evil 4The remake has a total of 16 chapters. If you seem to be getting less content overall, don’t worry. The story has been reworked to combine and restructure some chapters. All the main beats from the original are still there, plus a few, but in a slightly simpler way.

In general, you can expect a pretty similar experience in terms of how long it will take and the order of events. If you’re playing the original, you’ll start to see the chapters differ significantly halfway through, but you’ll still be on roughly the same path.

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