Good boy. Loyal service dog receives honorary degree for helping owner graduate

Service dogs are great friends for those in need of help and emotional support. They are very smart and cute. They are reserved for those who need them.

This is the story of a little girl who has a real four-legged friend. The dog is always with her. It helps in opening and closing doors, as well as leaving and retrieving things.

Many dogs are afraid to approach the girl because she has health problems related to walking. He uses a wheelchair. A dog named Griffin was the first to jump on his lap and lick her face and thighs.

The dog has proven to be a friend you can rely on. He supported the girl during a period of anxiety and stress.

The dog even came to the graduation ceremony because the university also allowed the dog to come. This is a touching scene. The dog has been with the girl through this difficult time.

The dog received an honorary degree. The dog has contributed to Brittany’s success. Whenever Brittany has a job, the dog will be with her.

The dog deserves his honorary degree. Brittany hopes to work with the military and veterans.

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