Observation brain teaser: Do you have a sharp eye? Find the clock in less than 20 seconds!

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Try to find the clock among the fruits in less than 20 seconds! This is a fun visual brain game that will test your observation skills. See if you can beat the clock!

Game of the day is a fun and visually challenging quest. How fast can you find a clock among the fruits in less than 20 seconds?

It sounds like an easy task, but it’s harder than you think! You can find the visual quiz below and not on the image at the top of the article for illustrative purposes only.

So test your skills and see how well you do!

Test your observation skills and find the clock in 20 seconds or less

Test your observation skills and see if you can find the clock hidden among the fruits in this image. You’ll only have 20 seconds to spot it, so hurry up!

In order for the game to be fair, remember that you must look at the image below, not the image at the top of the article, which is purely illustrative.

So are you up for the challenge? Give it a shot and see how fast you can spot it!

(c) Light up the valley

Finding a clock among the fruits within 20 seconds is a challenging task. It requires attention to detail and keen observation.

To complete this task, start by scanning the image from top to bottom and side to side. Make sure you look for all possible hidden shapes, angles, shadows, and colors.

Also, try to look for any visual clues that might suggest the presence of the watch – such as a long thin object that looks like an arm or circles of different sizes.

If you use these techniques, you should be able to find the watch quickly.

Did you find the clock among the fruits? See if you can solve the puzzle on the next page! We can figure it out together and have some fun along the way.

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Categories: Brain teaser

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