Hadi Matar Bio, Age, Job, IG, Facebook, Salman Rushdie

Meet Hadi Matar, Salman Rushdie’s attacker.

Writer Salman Rushdie, 75, was stabbed in the neck and stomach at a literary event in New York, United States. He is on a ventilator and could lose an eye because he suffered severed nerves in his hand and liver damage. His attacker was identified as Hadi Matar of New Jersey.

Hadi’s motive for attacking Rushdie is currently unclear. Witnesses claimed that the incident occurred just after the author had taken his place on stage and was about to introduce himself.

Social media posts and video footage saw people take the stage and tackle the suspect to the ground before a police officer who was on duty at the event took him into custody. Before the arrival of the ambulance, a doctor from the attending public provided medical assistance. Subsequently, Mr Rushdie was taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

Meet Hadi Matar, Salman Rushdie’s attacker

Acclaimed author Salman Rushdie was preparing to speak at the Chautauqua Institution outside New York when the attack occurred. The audience, which contained some 2,500 people, was later cleared. The Chautauqua Institution released a statement after the attack saying, “What many of us witnessed today was a violent display of hate that shook us to the core.”

This 75-year-old man, born in Bombay, received death threats from Islamists because he wrote the book “The Satanic Verses” for years. Shortly after its publication, the book was banned in several countries, including India, and Iran’s then Supreme Leader issued a fatwa condemning Rushdie.

Police have not identified the weapon used. Public defender Nathaniel Barone, who is representing the suspect, declined to comment, saying he was still gathering information. The authorities closed off access to Matar’s house.

According to New York State Police Major Eugene Staniszewski, Rushdie had just taken the stage at the Chautauqua facility at 10:47 a.m. local time (8:17 p.m. IST) for the occasion. “Shortly thereafter, the suspect jumped onto the scene and attacked Rushdie, stabbing him at least once in the neck and at least once in the abdomen,” he added.

The photos showed a man being led by a frog into a police car while wearing a short haircut, military uniform and jacket.

A preliminary examination of Matar’s social media showed that he sympathizes with “Shia extremism” and the goals of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Despite the lack of connection between Matar and the IRGC, NBC News reports that law enforcement officials discovered images of slain commander Qassem Solemani and an Iraqi fan supporting the Iranian government on the cell phone messaging app of Kill.

was hadi kill

As has been widely reported, Hadi Matar is 24 years old as of August 2022.

Let’s Kill Work

As of this writing, Hadi Matar’s job remains unclear. He was interviewed by one of his high school classmates, Gabriel Sanchez of the Elizabeth Learning Center in California. The Daily Beast. Gabriel said he was shocked to learn that Hadi was involved in such a gruesome crime. He added that he actively participated in the debates and that he had several friends.

“He took it to heart and washed his feet in the bathroom at our high school,” Sanchez said of Matar’s faith. “The only time I ever saw him get ‘picky’ about anything was with our AP biology teacher at the end of the year when he wrote in his class evaluation that he hated the way he talked about religion.”

Gabriel also said that Hadi was not a “social butterfly” but spent her time at school playing basketball and often reading. In her conversations, she never spoke of Iran or Rushdie. “He was a devout Muslim and one of the few things I remember talking to him about was kindness,” Sanchez said. “That’s how I remember him and that’s why I wish it wasn’t him.”

The Daily Beast further reported that in April 2022, Hadi began taking boxing lessons at the State of Fitness Boxing Club. The representative told the outlet that he signed up for “group boxing classes” and “just disenrolled him on August 9.”

Is Hadi Matar on IG, Facebook?

No, Hadi Matar is not on Instagram. A Facebook page shared a screenshot of Hadi’s Facebook.

Hadi Kill family

Hadi Matar allegedly lived in a two-story brick house. Antonio Lopa, a retired hospital employee who lives just across the street, spoke day beast. He said that he often saw Hadi coming and going, but he did not know him. Hadi lived with 6 or 7 family members in the home. They probably rented the place as a family unit that they moved into three or four years ago.

In addition, Menarva H Matar and Silvana M Fardos are some of her relatives.

Is Hadi Matar married?

At the time of writing this article, all the personal information about Hadi Matar was not known to the public. It also includes his marital status and his married life.

Hadi Matar Height

Hadi Matar is most likely tall at over 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Related FAQ

  • What is the Hadi Matar religion?

A friend of Hadi Matar’s described him as a “devout Muslim”. Voter records show his affiliation with the Democratic Party. His place of record is said to be in Bergen County, New Jersey.

  • Where is the nationality of Hadi Matar?

NBC New York announced that Hadi Matar was born in California, making him an American by nationality. She recently moved to New Jersey, according to law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation. According to sources of NBC New YorkHadi was also carrying a fake New Jersey driver’s license.

Hadi was parked in Fair View, New Jersey when the incident occurred. The site is located just west of Manhattan across the Hudson River.

  • When is Hadi Matar’s birthday?

Hadi Matar’s birthday has yet to be revealed.

Categories: Biography
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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