Animal Crossing: New Horizons lost item guide

peasants in Animal Crossing: New Horizons keep losing things It happens to everyone! Although this mechanism was first introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leafsome of the same concepts and ways of dealing with lost items have found their way New Horizons.

Returning lost items can help you increase your friendship points with the villagers. The sooner you return the lost items to the correct peasant, the more your friendship with that peasant will increase. Immediately transfer the lost item to the owner, and you will receive an excellent reward for the return of the lost item. But how do you know who lost this item you found? Here are some easy ways to determine who your lost item belongs to!

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Animal Crossing New Horizons Lost Item

Players can find lost items anywhere on their islands. These items look like a blue/green notebook with a pencil, a pink bag, or a red book. Lost items are handled in several different ways Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Sometimes the villagers will run towards you and try to get your attention. When you interact with them, they will tell you that they have lost an item and need your help to find it. However, most of the time, you will randomly come across a lost item on your island.

Villagers also do not lose items on your island in a specific location. These lost items can be found anywhere your villagers can get to. If you have a place that the villagers can’t get to, chances are the lost items won’t make it there. If you find a lost item on your island, just walk over and press AND. Your character will pick up the item and announce that he has found the missing item.

Now it’s your time to find out which farmer this item belongs to. People often assume that the owner is the closest villager to the item; However, this is not always the case.

To narrow down who the item might belong to, you need to reach into your pocket and examine the item. just hit X, highlight the missing item, then press AND. An option will appear allowing you to explore the item. Each lost item has its own terms that can help you determine who owns it. Although not explicitly stated in-game, each lost item will have a phrase that corresponds to the different personality types of the villagers.

It’s worth noting that each bag will have one of two sentences that you can read. This can make it a bit more difficult to reduce, but not too much.

These are the terms to keep in mind when narrowing down the list of who owns each lost item.


  • Book: There are many pictures of potted trees inside. It looks like an introductory guide to bonsai.
  • Notebook – An old planner that has seen a lot of wear and tear. The last page has tally marks… That’s up to 12 now.
  • Bag 1: A tough, old-fashioned bag. He gets full points for utility and zero points for style.
  • Bag 2: This classic bag was made with functionality in mind, nothing else. That is the job of a teacher. Could be.


  • Book: This book is difficult to read. The pages are warped, as if they were wet before. I think it’s a practice book.
  • Notebook: Someone wrote something with a pencil on the cover. Does it seem to say “extreme exercises”?
  • Bag 1: A very simple bag… that is slightly open. I see some gym clothes, I think.
  • Bag 2: A dusty and heavily used bag. It smells vaguely of the minty sports creams used by athletes.


  • Book: A well-used and well-loved picture book. Between the pages there are small broken candies…
  • Notebook: This looks like someone’s journal. Is this a slime stain? Maybe they fell asleep while writing.
  • Bag 1 – This bag is filled with something that smells good and is probably high in sugar.
  • Bag 2 – It looks like this bag is starting to break in places. It’s also a bit sticky. Did someone spill juice on it?


  • Book: It’s a novel. The author was obviously trying to be fancy by using a lot of foreign words. I don’t understand
  • Notebook: On the cover of the book it says “My secret diary”. I have a feeling I shouldn’t look inside.
  • Bag 1: It is a modern bag. Complex design is more about style than function.
  • Bag 2: A stylish bag that looks like it could be popular. Whether it’s really popular depends on the owner…


  • Book: This novel looks very difficult. It is the kind of book that only a voracious reader could read.
  • Notebook: “My diary” is written in small letters on the cover. It’s hard not to, but you probably shouldn’t look inside.
  • Bag 1: A lovely handmade bag with something hard and rectangular inside. Maybe a book?
  • Bag 2: Bag with a simple design. I can tell that it is carefully made by hand.


  • Book: It’s a comic. On the cover is a girl with big bright eyes. She’s probably a hero.
  • Notebook: It’s an autograph book, but it’s covered in all sorts of shiny stickers. My eyes hurt.
  • Bag 1: Soft fabric bag printed with cartoon characters. Everything is bumpy because it is crowded.
  • Bag 2: A beautiful bag covered in buttons and pins of various pop stars.


  • Book: A book with pressed flowers inside. Oh! It still has the price tag on it!
  • Notebook: This looks like someone’s notebook. The handwriting is almost illegible, but I can make out the word “Band.”
  • Bag 1: Elegant bag decorated with golden metal spikes. He has attitude!
  • Bag 2: The front of the bag has letters embroidered in gold thread. The words are… “Motorcyclists are more fun.”


  • Book: It is one of those love stories that are so fashionable today. It also has a subtle scent. Or is it my imagination?
  • Notebook: I think it’s a personal planner. Each line is written in a precise and perfect handwriting. Err… I should close this.
  • Bag 1: Maybe this is someone’s makeup bag? It smells like a lovely perfume.
  • Bag 2: A beautiful bag that is well loved. It seems to have been adapted several times.

Most of the time you can find out who owns each lost item by doing some simple research. However, there are one or two sentences that are absolutely useless. The main phrase that can really confuse you is “This is a lost item.” That doesn’t help at all, and you’ll need to know your villagers well to figure out who it belongs to.

Returning a lost item to its rightful owner without showing it to another villager will give you a better overall reward. However, returning items without asking the villagers will give you extra friendship points.

Return the lost item

Animal Crossing New Horizons Lost Item

While you won’t immediately know who the lost item belongs to, you’ll be able to narrow it down based on the personality types you have on your island. To return a lost item to a villager, simply approach the villager and interact with him. Instead of a chat or gift option, you’ll be shown “Miss this?” option. The game will automatically open your pocket and you can give the lost item to the villager.

However, sometimes you will have more than one villager with the same personality type on your island. If you mess up the first time, that’s okay! Although your reward for a lost item won’t be as great, you’ll still get more than if you hadn’t returned the item. Offering a lost item to the wrong peasant will not destroy anything. Also, the wrong villager will tell you directly who the lost item belongs to, which makes things easier. After talking to the wrong peasant, you can simply go to the correct one and show him the item.

Lost items only have one day to return them. Once you make it through the next day or forget an item until the next day, you’ll end up stuck with a missing item in your inventory. However, instead of the words lost item, it will read “What was this again?” You’ll need to get rid of the item to remove it from your inventory, and you can do this in one of two ways.

The first is to try to sell the now forgotten item to Nook’s Cranny. You won’t get any coins because Timmy and Tommy consider the item junk right now, but they will dispose of it for free. Another way to get rid of forgotten things is to throw them in the trash cans. Dealing with lost items won’t give you coins and certainly won’t increase your friendship level, but we’ve found that not returning items doesn’t affect your friendship level either. However, if you’re looking for those coveted Peasant Portraits, you’ll definitely want to start salvaging any possible lost items!

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