Anthony Templet Bio, Today, Mother, I Just Killed My Dad

After the girl in the photoSkye Borgman Is Back With Another Three-Part True Crime Documentary Series I just killed my dad. The series develops the story of a teenager, Anthony Templet, who shoots and kills his father. But why he killed his father is an intriguing part of this case.

The series revolves around kidnapping, coercion, domination, and murder, which has unsettling parallels to his latest film. It is a study in silent, unseen abuse and the trauma and tragedy it can bring, as well as, in a startling twist for the darkest of genres, the story of a criminal justice system that actually works as it should, beginning with an apparently open-and-close case before removing the layers. to reveal a completely rotten core.

Meet Anthony Templet, the Subject of Netflix’s I Just Killed My Dad

The story goes back to June 3, 2019 when Anthony Templet murdered his father Burt Templet in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He then called 911 and confessed to his crime. When the police arrived, they found the 17-year-old waiting for them, and in a recent interview, Anthony says he was surprised to be led away in handcuffs because he expected the issue to be resolved after a brief conversation. That wasn’t the only strange thing about the situation.

Anthony claimed that he shot his father in self-defense, even though he didn’t have any bruises to show for it, and the house was nice and tidy, except for a crack in Burt’s bedroom door, which Anthony claimed was caused by his father trying to to break into a locked room to get to him.

If that wasn’t good enough for Anthony, the fact that he pulled out two loaded guns that night (both owned by Burt) suggested that he wasn’t desperately trying to save his own life, but rather intended to kill…an idea. which Anthony nonchalantly confirmed, explaining that he wanted to have both weapons in his possession in case one misfired.

Both Assistant District Attorney Dana Cummings and Sergeant William Brown believed the evidence pointed to murder, and Anthony’s blunt, callous manner in his subsequent encounter with Brown in the interview room only reinforced their belief that they were trying to with a probable sociopath.

According to Anthony’s story, he was woken on the night in question by his father, who rummaged through his phone to discover that Anthony was secretly communicating with his stepmother, Susan, who had recently moved out of the house with her son, Peyton. After an argument about this invasion of privacy, Anthony became so scared of Burt that he took the man’s gun and fired three shots, two of which hit their mark.

Burt apparently begged his son to stop, but Anthony showed no mercy. Additionally, Anthony testified that he chased his father into an adjacent bathroom before firing the shot, an act that contradicted the concept that he had no other options as he was in imminent danger. On the surface, there wasn’t much to the story, and news sources at the time dismissed it as just another one of Louisiana’s usual murders.

Later, the justice system learned that Anthony was the way he was due to his abusive upbringing. Later, an investigation revealed that Burt was a violent alcoholic. He tortured and terrorized his first wife, Teresa Thompson. He later kidnapped Anthony from him and fled to Louisiana, where he hid for the better part of 11 years.

To keep it a secret, she didn’t let Anthony go to school. She also installed a surveillance camera and installed GPS trackers on Anthony and Susan’s phones.

What is Anthony Templet doing today?

Anthony Templet initially faced second degree murder. Later. the sentence was ultimately reduced to manslaughter after prosecutors determined that he acted in self-defense after years of abuse. He will serve five years of supervised probation with credit for time served after pleading not guilty to manslaughter in 2021.

Anthony’s lawyer added after the verdict: “When I saw this injustice, I said, ‘Absolutely, there is no way this child should be in prison.'” Well, that is the result we have. It may not be what we expected, but this is an imperfect system. We’re trying to find the best possible justice and I think we got it today.”

Anthony, who appeared on the show, said: “I had no contact with the outside world. He always found a way to make me feel wrong.” He also recalled that his father had “a gift for hair” and that “his mood could change in a second.”

“I didn’t want to kill him, I didn’t want him to kill me,” Anthony said in the documentary. “It was like do or die.”

Anthony Templet Mother

Anthony Templet was born to his mother Teresa Thompson. Teresa was overjoyed when she found out that her son was fine. “He was so happy, he was jumping from one side to the other and shouting: ‘They found him,'” Teresa said in I just killed my father. But her happiness came with a scare at the end of the conversation.

Teresa said she hasn’t seen her son since 2008, after Burt took him from her. Anthony was only 5 years old at the time. She said her ex persuaded a judge in her home state of Louisiana to award her sole custody. In the three-part docu-series, court records show she concealed her record as a domestic abuser, including time she spent in prison for assaulting Thompson while she was pregnant.

Elena, Anthony’s aunt, revealed that Burt had tricked Anthony into believing that his mother was “just a drug addict, that she didn’t need him, that she didn’t care about him, and that there was no reason for him to look for her.” .”

Teresa told the film’s directors about the relief she felt when she was able to hold her “baby” again. After learning of the complications of Anthony’s case, a genealogy expert tracked her down in 2019. She expressed her longing for her reunion in the documentary. “I’ve been looking for you since day one,” she explained.

Anthony Templet era

In 2022, Anthony Templet is 19 years old.

Is Anthony Templet on Instagram and Facebook?

No, Anthony Templet doesn’t seem to be on Instagram or Facebook.

Anthony Templet Work now

Anthony Templet was out on the condition that he get a GED, accept counseling, and either work full time or attend school full time. If he meets all the criteria, he will be able to delete his record.

But Anthony is still extremely reclusive, so his current job is unclear at this point.

Anthony Templet’s Wife

Anthony Templet is probably single. So he doesn’t have a wife yet.

Related FAQ

  • Where does Anthony Templet live?

Anthony Templet is likely living in Louisiana because he is still on probation supervision. He will be eligible to leave the property after he ends his probationary period.

  • What else do we know about the Anthony Templet family?

Susan Templet, Anthony’s stepmother, left her husband Burt in early 2019. Susan filed for a protection order against him. She posted on social media that Burt allegedly knocked out several of her teeth.

Anthony’s sister Natasha also spoke to WAFB in 2019. She shared: “After 11 years of waiting to find out if my brother was still alive, he was found. All these years he was isolated and abused by his own father. My brave brother had to defend himself against that wicked man for the last time.”

Natasha talked about Teresa and Burt’s relationship. She added: “Burt and my mom were together for about ten years and it was extremely violent.”

Natasha added: “I can only imagine what Anthony went through. When he was a baby, Burt would hold him in his arms while he abused my mother.” Natasha said that she and her mother found out that Anthony’s parents lived in Baton Rouge. Eleven years ago, they handed out missing flyers around town. The “missing child” posters featured photos of Anthony and Burt, as well as the phone number for the Houston Sheriff’s Office.

Categories: Biography

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