Aarushi Talwar- Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity

Aarushi Talwar is an Indian student, media celebrity and online personality from Delhi, India. She lived happily with her family until she was killed by a stranger a few days ago on her 14th birthday. Read the full story to know more about Aarushi’s murder.

Quick Info

First and last name Aarushi Talwar.
Birthday May 24, 1994
place of birth Delhi, India.
Age (at time of death) 13 years old.
Net worth (approx.) 12-15 thousand INR.
Anniversary May 16, 2008
The place of death Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Cause of death Kill.
Religion Hinduism.
Level Brahmin.
Nationality Indian.
Job Student, media personality and internet personality.
Education Pupil.
School Delhi Public School.
Zodiac sign Song Tzu.
Height (approx.) 4 feet 8 inches. 142 cm.
Weight (approx.) 38 kg.

Aarushi Talwar’s Age and Childhood

She was born in Delhi, India in 1994. She lived with her family for several months in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Her death occurred when she was 13 years old. She completed her elementary education at a local school in that area. Talwar was a student in a Delhi public school at the time of her death and wanted to be like her parents. She is a pleasant and funny young lady.

Aarushi Talwar Height and Weight

In terms of body measurements, she is a beautiful girl with a cool and cool personality. Aarushi Talwar is 4 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 38 kg. She has a beautiful figure and good health. Her hair is black and she has black eyes.

Aarushi Talwar

Aarushi Talwar Net Worth

What is Aarushi Talwar’s net worth? She bought everything she wanted with her parents’ money. He lives in Noida with his parents and keeps his room neatly decorated. Furthermore, she inherited a significant portion of her parents’ property. According to sources, her net worth was believed to be around 12-15 Lakhs at the time of her death.


Aarushi Talwar decided to follow in his parents’ footsteps and pursue a career in dentistry. She studies day and night to improve her knowledge and vocabulary. She also asked her parents for advice on reputable schools and institutes for further study. As mentioned, her parents are famous dentists who have been active in many places around Noida. However, as Aarushi was a student at the time of her death, there is no information on her income.


According to sources, Aarush’s body was discovered on May 16, 2008 in her bedroom at her home in Noida, India. Her neck was cut, and something hit her head. The media quickly gathered at Talwar’s mansion, and the incident became nationally known, increasing pressure on the authorities. Hemraj, their housekeeper, was not there at the time of her death. The police suspect that the servant harassed and killed Aarushi.

A day later, Hemraj’s body was found on the terrace of the house. He was also killed by cutting his throat and suffered multiple head injuries. Due to the constant media pressure, the police intend to find the culprit as quickly as possible. However, the police were also punished for not adequately sealing the crime scene and gathering evidence.

Aarushi Talwar boyfriend and dating

Who is Aarushi Talwar dating? Talwar is a handsome and talented young man. She focuses entirely on her studies and often studies late into the night. She has always excelled in her studies and wants to become a famous celebrity. And not only that, she always presents her ideas to her family. It makes no sense to talk about her love life because she’s too young to be in a relationship. She was more interested in spending money with friends than in a serious relationship. So at the time of her murder, she was single and living her life to the fullest.

Categories: Biography
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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