Emotional video. Boy receives a puppy as a surprise from his late father

A boy named Logan always wanted a puppy. From the age of three, the boy wanted a dog. He even carries a dog toy with him everywhere he goes.

The dog is a toy Boston terrier. His father suffered from allergies and also suffered from cancer for nine years.

When the boy’s father knew he was about to lose his battle with his illness, he asked his wife to grant their son’s wish.

Unfortunately, the boy’s father, named Joe, has passed away. The dog brought happiness and comfort not only to Logan but also to the whole family.

It was the boy’s 13th birthday and his mother surprised him by giving her son a puppy. The boy cried for happiness. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

This was his father’s dream for the boy to have a Boston terrier. The dog licked the boy and put its nose on his nose. They hug and both are happy.

The boy named the dog Indy. This gift was a priceless gift from his father. The boy will always take care of the dog and give him unconditional love.

Here is a touching video:

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Categories: Trends
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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