Israel Adesanya’s Ex-Girlfriend Demands Half His Wealth: Full Story

Popular mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Israel Adesanya recently became the center of a storm of social media trends.

A Nigerian athlete living in New Zealand’s legal battle with his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Powdrel, has made headlines.

“Powdrel asserts that he is entitled to a substantial part of Adesanya’s fortune, a claim made despite his single status and the absence of any children together.”

charlotte powdrell

charlotte powdrell

The couple had a long-term relationship, during which they shared a house, according to Powdrel. She claims that this period of cohabitation should give her rights to half of the property acquired by Adesanya.

However, Adesanya’s legal representatives categorically refute this statement, pointing out the absence of a marital relationship.

israel adesanaisrael adesana

financial picture

In 2021, at the time of their split, Adesanya’s net worth was reportedly close to $1 million. Her career path has been stellar ever since, increasing her net worth to an impressive six million dollars. Also, Adesanya is currently in a relationship with another couple, which complicates the scenario.

Debate on extramarital union

Powdrel’s lawyers argue that their relationship amounts to a common-law marriage, which they believe justifies their right to the Adesanya fortune. To the contrary, Adesanya maintains that her relationship lacks the legal trappings of marriage, thereby negating any financial obligation to Powdrel.

The ongoing legal dispute between Adesanya and Powdrel has yet to be resolved. It remains to be seen how the court will interpret and apply the law in this important matter.

For more details on this story, keep an eye on NEWSTARS

Breakup, Charlotte Powdrel, cohabitation, court case, ex-girlfriend, financial dispute, Israel Adesanya, lawsuit, legal battle, martial arts, MMA, net worth, relationship, current news, wealth claim

Categories: Biography

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