Your face shape will tell you what your best qualities are and what your worst flaws are.

Hector Honores Molina June 21, 2023 19:45. m.

This personality test He caught my attention from the very beginning. And that knowing my best qualities and my worst flaws just by showing the shape of my face is something unbelievable. I was very surprised when I received the results. I am sure that this test will help you to access some aspects of psychology that are special to you. It is important to mention that it has become one of the most sought after by Internet users, because it is very similar to other things that have been quite successful, such as “The game involves saying what you’re looking at in a picture to find out if you have a sixth sense” And “The one who reveals your way of being, according to your navel”.

Does your face have a specific shape? Well, believe it or not, this detail has the potential to reveal to us our best qualities and our worst flaws. For this reason, it is important to know what your face shape is. If you still have doubts, I invite you to look in the mirror for a few seconds.

Look at the picture of the personality test

I’ll leave you with the center chart where I’ve placed up to 6 face shapes. What you need to do is choose the one that suits you best. Remember that you must be honest when giving an answer, because only then will you get a very accurate result.

PERSONALITY TEST |  What is your face shape?  This test will allow you to discover your best virtues and your worst weaknesses.  (Photo: TEST | What is your face shape? This test will allow you to discover your best virtues and your worst weaknesses. (Photo:

Know the meaning of the test

  • Oval face

He is a righteous person who does not cause a stir with his views. Overall, they are a cheerful but shy person.

  • long face

They have a bad personality, but they have a lot of personality and like to do things their way.

  • Round face

People with this face type appear more youthful, they are often seen as naive or inexperienced. However, they are sociable, generous and kind.

  • square face

They have expressive faces that show intelligence and logical thinking, which makes them perfectionists.

  • heart face

These people have very bright smiles, making them very sociable and dreamy.

  • diamond face

It represents people who like to be in control of any situation, they are often good leaders in a work or study environment.

This is how I define a personality test

I am answering your question. Personality tests are an interesting type of content and can be very helpful in many different situations and situations. A clear example can be found in human resources recruiters who ask them to find out relevant information about job applicants. Also, there are people who need this kind of information to be able to solve certain types of problems and others who look to them for the simple fact that they know themselves better.

Are personality tests reliable?

First of all, a personality test must be reliable and scientifically valid. In other words, you must use scientifically measurable criteria, for example, personality traits that are relevant to the current work environment.

At what age can personality be determined?

Personality is formed at the age of 18 and is largely influenced by biological maturation and social experience. All of these make up your physique, although there are some characteristics that can change with age, becoming more toned or quite the opposite.

In this video I show you another test

Categories: Trends

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