MCU: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Captain America: Civil War

Recently released MCU, Thor: Love and Thunder, featuring many returning characters, guests, and epic battle scenes. However, long before this new movie, there was another MCU movie that made an ambitious crossover between old and new characters: Captain America: Civil War.

the third day captain America The film is landmark because there are so many old and new characters, divided into two different but logical factions. Although it may not be as popular as other movies Detachment of revenge In the film, there are certainly some defining moments that are masterfully captured by the memes.

Wanda’s role

Despite his good intentions, Wanda wreaked havoc in the first place civil waraccidentally wiped out entire floors of innocent workers when she tried to store biological weapons in the air.

While the crash itself wasn’t the reason for the deal, it was certainly a factor, and Wanda doesn’t seem to be to blame for that, as depicted in this meme posted by Redditor bodhi15. Whether Wanda should bear the consequences – the well-intentioned but poorly executed action sequences are still a hotly debated topic among MCU fans, especially now. Wanda’s Vision And multiverse madness.

Captain America or Avengers?

Although the official title is civil war list it as a third movie captain America series, has long been questioned by fans who watch it more Detachment of revenge film instead.

Although this movie continues the plot of Captain America’s “Finding Bucky” Winter Warriors, much of the story revolves around the conflict between Tony, Steve, and all the other Avengers as they face decisions regarding the Sokovia Accords. Not to mention the famous fight scenes that featured most of the teams. Although it can still be used as captain America Movie, civil war At its core is Detachment of revenge The movie, as highlighted in this meme was shared by Reddit user alfredosolsfeuntes.

very close to a happy ending

As most MCU fans know, no Marvel movie ends with a completely happy ending. civil war As noted in this meme posted by Reddit user Christopher_Hepburn, it is no exception.

While most of the film’s screen time is devoted to the intense conflict between the two leaders of the Avengers, fans finally breathed a sigh of relief when Tony realized his mistake and fought alongside Steve and Bucky. also the most beautiful friendship in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unfortunately, in Marvel’s tradition, their moment together and happiness quickly derailed when Tony learned the truth, leaving fans everywhere shattered.

Tony’s emotional hit

civil war It’s been an emotional journey for all involved (the viewers as well as the Avengers), but it took a special emotional toll on the most trusted Avengers member, Tony Stark.

Tony’s first scene in the film is filled with memories of his family, followed by immense guilt that leads him to sign the Sokovia Accords. From there, he has to fight his best friend, realize he was wrong, and make peace with Cap, only to fight Bucky again after discovering that he killed his parents. civil war It’s definitely been a long and emotional roller coaster ride for Tony, and a meme from Reddit user “Dark Wolverine” sums it up well.

all tears

civil war This is a landmark movie in the MCU for a number of reasons, such as setting up Reunion and Split. Infinity War. But perhaps most importantly, it portrays the Avengers in a more human and realistic way, as it reveals their flaws and abilities to be motivated by their own motives and emotions.

It’s also one of the most heartbreaking movies in the series, as it breaks down the best ship in the MCU: Steve and Tony. As Reddit user surruboi shows in this meme, the film brought viewers to tears over their complicated separation and conflict.

Stubborn Steve (and Tony)

in spite of civil war For all the memes that mock petty differences, the issues discussed in the film are much heavier, rooted in politics and morality.

Both Tony and Steve have their reasons. Steve hesitates to give Avengers autonomy to a corrupt governing body, and Tony is once again driven by guilt and fear of losing many innocent lives. While this disagreement is a major milestone in their relationship, the entire conflict could have been avoided if one of them had stopped being stubborn and giving in, as depicted in the Reddit meme.

noticeable absence

civil war However, seeing many fan-favorite characters go head-to-head with new ones, there are two notable absences: Thor and Hulk. While there are plenty of explanations as to why these two weren’t present in one of the most pivotal moments of the Avengers, their absence seems odd, especially when they’re both the same person. part of the five core members.

Not appearing in the movie also means that Thor and Bruce have a lot of work to do when they return, as in Infinity War And EndgameReddit user Ozymandias12 humorously describes a fact in this meme.

baby becomes babysitter

Even though he’s the youngest member of the Avengers (technically just “born” in Age of Ultron), Vision is easily the smartest of the bunch. This is especially seen in civil war Because he uses his reason and coolness to try to defuse conflict — leaving out some of his best quotes in the process.

Compared to the other characters – who let their biases and emotions cloud their better judgment – Vision seems the most mature and calm in the entire movie, as shown in this meme. posted by Reddit user Nicino As described, the meme claims the vision is of a nasty babysitter.

Find Zemo

Before Helmut Zemo was famous as a talented dancer The Falcon and the Winter Soldierhe is the first villain civil war.

After losing his family, Zemo worked to avenge the Avengers by destroying them. However, this twist is not revealed until the climax of the film. Before that, most of the plot revolved around Cap and his gang. Find out who is slandering Bucky. That’s why this meme posted by Redditor Trash_raccoon not only sums it up correctly civil warand what fans thought of his future in the MCU at the time.

Falling from the inside

“An empire overthrown by the enemy can rise. But what about a person that is falling from within? Then die forever.” This line is not only one of Zemo’s best quotes, but it sums it all up correctly civil war.

While Tony and Steve may not know it, Zemo was the catalyst that quickly ruined their friendship. From framing Bucky to revealing the final climax, Zemo staged many of the events that created all of the conflict between the two superheroes and led to the Avengers disbanding, as this humorous meme shared by people use Reddit AceOfSpades_29 as described. Fortunately, the two finally came together again and finished Detachment of revenge Endless story.

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