Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow Bio, Today, Mind Over Murder

Thomas Winslow worked with Helen Wilson’s granddaughter, Jan, at the Beatrice Good Samaritan Center. He felt overwhelmed with guilt. “Do you know how she was at work? When Jan cried on my shoulder and I didn’t tell her?” he says. “Do you know how bad it makes me feel to hold on for so long?”

After the murder of Helen Wilson, Burdette Searcey, a former Beatrice police detective who worked as a farmer, launched her own investigation. She interviewed several former confidential informants who helped her identify several people who frequented the area of ​​Wilson’s apartment, and the list included Thomas Winslow.

The others were Debra Shelden, Ada JoAnn Taylor, Joseph White, Cliff Shelden, Mark Goodson, Beth Johnson, and Charlotte Bishop.

Burdette believed that the murder was the work of more than one person. The main suspects for him were Joseph, Ada Joann and Thomas. Two years after Helen’s murder, Jerry DeWitt became the Gage County Sheriff. After his appointment, he hired Burdette as a deputy sheriff.

Burdette was given permission by Jerry and Gage County Attorney Richard Smith to begin an official investigation into Wilson’s murder. Searcey had as his main witness a woman named Lisa Podendorf. Lisa claimed that at 7:30 a.m. on February 6, while police cars were parked outside Wilson’s apartment, Ada JoAnn confessed to her that she and Joseph had committed the crime.

Lisa commented that she saw the car the night before the crime. In the car, she saw Ada Joann, Thomas, Joseph, and Beth parked near Wilson’s apartment. Charlotte Bishop, another Burdette suspect, made a similar statement alleging that Ada JoAnn confessed to committing the crime against her.

Meet Thomas Winslow, one of the Beatrice Six

Thomas Winslow was first interviewed by Burdette Searcey in 1985 while conducting personal research. At the time, he claimed to have been at work the night of the crime, but Searcey found that to be a lie. On February 13, 1989, he was in jail on unrelated felony assault charges.

This time he admitted to Burdette that he had lied about his whereabouts, and claimed to have lent his car to Ada, Joseph, and Cliff Shelden on the night of the crime. On March 14, 1989, Burdette, Sheriff DeWitt, and Deputy Smith went to Lincoln, Nebraska, to take another statement from Winslow.

He told Thomas that he would convince a judge to release him on the assault charge on cash bail.

Thomas claimed that on the night of February 5, 1985, while driving his car through Beatrice with Taylor and White, he overheard Taylor and White discussing the robbery of an elderly woman. He admitted that Ada and Joseph took him to Bishop’s apartment and returned the car to him the next morning.

Burdette then told him that the witness had seen him in the car with Ada, Joseph, and Beth at Wilson’s apartment building, which he admitted to be true. Thomas admitted that he doesn’t want to mention it because he wants nothing to do with the crime. After a 44-minute break during questioning, Thomas admitted that Taylor, White and Johnson entered Wilson’s apartment. He said that Taylor and White attacked Wilson and he went off with Johnson in a panic.

By the time the video recording of Winslow’s interview begins, he has already pleaded guilty. He says they pressured him into going with the other two to Wilson’s apartment and then ran away when he heard Wilson scream.

Ada also identified Thomas as part of the crime.

On March 17, 1989, police arrested Thomas for the murder and took him to the Gage County Jail. There he retracted his earlier statement and said that he witnessed Wilson’s murder and instead said that Taylor and White arrived at his apartment with blood on his clothes.

He said: “This story is true and if you don’t want to believe it, that’s fine. I’m going back to my cell, I’m better now because it’s off my chest.”

Thomas gave his blood for testing, but it did not have the type B blood that police found at the crime scene. Another suspect, Cliff Shelden, admitted that Thomas told him about the murder of Helen Wilson and her involvement along with Ada, Joseph and Debra Shelden. Similarly, James Dean, brought in by Burdette to investigate, admitted to seeing Taylor, Winslow, and White sexually assault Helen.

Does Thomas Winslow’s Beatrice Six Appear in HBO’s Murder Plot?

According to HBO mind over murder According to the IMDB page, he does not receive credit for his appearance. So he doesn’t show up Mind over murder.

Where is Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow today?

On December 8, 1989, Thomas Winslow pleaded no contest to the charge that he “aided, abetted, or caused another person to deliberately, but without premeditation, cause the death of Helen Wilson.” He was charged with 50 years in prison.

Appeals in the case were repeatedly denied by Nebraska courts until late 2007, when White and Winslow finally obtained DNA evidence from crime scene semen.

Based on the test results, White’s attorney filed a motion to vacate the conviction. The motion said Taylor recanted his trial testimony as false. In addition, attorneys for White and Winslow said Shelden and Gonzalez also recanted their testimony at trial.

On October 17, 2008, Thomas re-sentenced and was released.

Thomas also stated that he felt compelled to travel to that apartment, which he claimed was a pattern in his life. And he added: “I have to make friends or I will become insecure. I’ll freak out because I feel like I can’t make friends, so I’ll do anything.”

According to Burdette Searcey’s memoirs, he was bullied at school. Like Ada JoAnn Taylor, he was previously a Wayne Price psychologist as a therapist. He, too, attempted suicide and Price diagnosed him with depression, writing that he “seems obsessed with not hurting others. He focuses on the discomfort of others and tries to make everyone feel better.

In 2017, Thomas said the new yorker, “Part of the reason we got over the emotions was Joe White.” “It gives us extra strength. He was stronger than us overall.”

For more than a decade, Thomas was regularly denounced in prison. “I just hung up,” he said. the new yorker. “I was just trying to maintain.”

Jerry Soucie, Thomas’ attorney, broke the news to Thomas of his innocence. Jerry told the New Yorker: “What I got from him is that he is afraid of being innocent. This meant that he spent nineteen years rationalizing.

Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow Age

In January 2022, Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow turned 56. Her birth year is 1966.

Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow Wife

Burdette Searcey also stated in her memoirs that Thomas Winslow had soft, feminine features, curly blonde hair, and large hands, which she waved in the air as she spoke. Searcey considered him bisexual, reporting that he and Joseph White had “mutual sexual conflicts”.

Whether Thomas Winslow ever married is a mystery because he was kept out of public view.

Related FAQ

  • Is Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow on Facebook?

No, Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow is not on Facebook.

  • Where was Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow born?

Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow was born in Beatrice, Nebraska.

  • How much money did Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow receive after her wrongful conviction?

Beatrice Six Thomas Winslow was awarded $180,000 in wrongful conviction damages. He then received a $7.3 million settlement against Gage County for wrongfully convicting him in a 2016 decision.

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