Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor Bio, Today, Mind Over Murder

One of the Beatrice Six, Ada JoAnn Taylor, is linked to the murder of 68-year-old Helen Wilson. Just a few months after Ada returned from Los Angeles to Beatrice, Helen died. On February 6, 1985, Helen lay in her apartment in Beatrice, Nebraska, having been sexually assaulted and murdered. On the day of her death, her relatives visited her. She was dropped off at her apartment that night. Her sister discovered her the next morning at 9:30.

The investigative team recovered the semen from swabs taken from the victim’s body. In addition, the victim’s clothing and bedding also contained blood stains. Investigators also discovered three fingerprints at Helena’s home, one on a knife and two on a door frame.

Blood tests failed to link the suspects to the initial investigation and they were not arrested. For this reason, the authorities are removing Bruce Allen Smith from the list of suspects.

Meet Ada JoAnn Taylor, one of the Beatrice Six

Burdette Searcey, a former Beatrice police investigator who worked as a farmer, launched her own investigation. He interviewed several former confidential informants who helped him identify several people who frequented the area of ​​Wilson’s apartment, and the list included Ada JoAnn Taylor, also the first suspect who allegedly confessed to the murder of 68-year-old Helen.

The others were Debra Shelden, Thomas Winslow, Joseph White, Cliff Shelden, Mark Goodson, Beth Johnson, and Charlotte Bishop.

Burdette believed that the murder was the work of more than one person. The main suspects for him were Joseph, Ada Joann and Thomas. Two years after Helen’s murder, Jerry DeWitt became the Gage County Sheriff. After his appointment, he hired Burdette as a deputy sheriff.

Jerry and Gage County District Attorney Richard Smith allowed Burdette to begin an official investigation into Wilson’s murder. Searcey had as his main witness a woman named Lisa Podendorf. Lisa claimed that at 7:30 a.m. on February 6, while police cars were parked outside Wilson’s apartment, Ada JoAnn confessed to her that she and Joseph had committed the crime.

Lisa commented that she saw the car the night before the crime. In the car, she saw Ada Joann, Thomas, Joseph, and Beth parked near Wilson’s apartment. Charlotte Bishop, another Burdette suspect, made a similar statement alleging that Ada JoAnn confessed to committing the crime against her.

Police arrested Ada Joann on March 15, 1989 after Burdette Searcey finalized a warrant for her arrest. She was arrested in North Carolina, where she lived, on March 15.

After viewing crime scene photos, Ada developed a new theory: she was Wilson’s protector. She said that she took a pillow from the couch and put it over Wilson’s face. It was an act of compassion. “I know that with my rap * my father’s face haunts me my whole life,” she said. “I didn’t want her to see a face that would stalk her.” But she was so upset that she pushed too hard. She said, “I didn’t realize he was killing her.”

Thomas was questioned by Burdette prior to the formal investigation in 1985. At the time, he admitted to being at work the night of the crime, but Burdette determined that this was a lie. On February 13, 1989, Thomas admitted that he had lied about his whereabouts and claimed that he had lent his car to Ada JoAnn, Joseph, and Cliff Shelden on the night of the crime.

Thomas later claimed that on the night of February 5, 1985, while driving his car through Beatrice with Ada Joaan and Joseph, he overheard Ada and Joseph talking about an old woman being robbed. The two suspects allegedly dropped Thomas off at Charlotte Bishop’s apartment and returned the car to her the next morning.

At first, Thomas denied involvement in the crime, but later told Burdette that he, Ada JoAnn, Joseph, and Beth went to Wilson’s apartment. He added that Ada Joann and Joseph attacked Wilson and that he left with Beth in a panic.

When Burdette questioned Ada Joann on March 16, 1989 about her confession to local police that she was present at the crime. Ada herself explained that she only confessed after North Carolina police told her she was there. During Burdette’s questioning, Ada had difficulty remembering basic facts, such as the time of day of the crime and the type of building Wilson lived in.

Ada told Burdette several times that she had an untreated personality disorder, and that by 1985 she was abusing drugs and alcohol. She also spoke about a suicide attempt and that she intended to cause physical harm to herself.

He also said that he can’t remember “most of ’85” at all. while she claimed that Joseph was her father, that he was only a year older.

When Burdette asked Ada to admit that she had confessed to Lisa and Charlotte, Ada initially denied discussing the murder with either of them. After a pause in questioning, she agreed that she could have discussed Wilson’s murder with both of them.

Ada named a man named “Wolf” as an alias for Joseph, who allegedly committed the murder. In addition, she also added that Joseph performed the money trick that he cut in half (the broken half of a $5 bill was found at the scene) and that another person named “Beth” was present during the murder.

He also agreed to write a letter to Cliff Shelden admitting his role in the crime, that the murder was committed in an apartment building, not a house. Ada’s description of how the event happened changed each time she told her story and now she has identified Thomas as a participant in the crime.

Burdette questioned Thomas again, who this time said that Ada and Joseph arrived at his apartment with blood on their clothes. Taylor’s blood, but she didn’t have the type B blood found at the crime scene.

Cliff Shelden gave recorded testimony on April 12, 1989, after three and a half hours of questioning, stating that he had received a letter from Taylor three to four months after the murder in which Ada admitted to her involvement in the crime with Thomas and Joseph. . He also claimed that Thomas informed him of Wilson’s murder and that Ada, Joseph, Thomas, and Debra Shelden were present.

Cliff also admitted to James Dean’s involvement in the murder. However, Dean denied any involvement. Dean later admitted to his presence at Wilson’s murder along with Taylor, Winslow, White, and Debra Shelden. On May 17, 1989, Dean revealed that he witnessed Ada, Thomas, and Joseph sexually assaulting Helen.

Dean discovered new information with each additional interrogation.

On July 16, 1989, Dean said that he saw Joseph with a wad of bills in his hand and heard him tear a five-dollar bill in half. Ada also admitted that Joseph tore up the $5 bill.

Is JoAnn Taylor’s Beatrice Six Ada Appearing in HBO’s Murder Plot?

Yes, Anna JoAnn Taylor appears in the HBO series Mind Over Murder. Actress Cara D’Adamo played the role of her in the series.

Where is Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor today?

Ada JoAnn Taylor waived extradition and was taken to the Gage County Jail, where she was charged with murder. Taylor was sentenced to 40 years in prison and sent to the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. A prison psychiatrist wrote that she suffered from “flashbacks and re-experiences of her crime”. She felt that she was capable of more evil than she thought. The psychiatrist wrote: “She is afraid of losing control of her mind.”

Nebraska courts repeatedly denied appeals in the case until late 2007, when Joseph and Thomas finally obtained DNA evidence from crime scene semen. On October 15, 2008, Joseph White’s attorney filed a motion to vacate his conviction. The motion said that Ada JoAnn recanted her trial testimony as false.

Prosecutors confirmed that the results matched the profile of Bruce Allen Smith. The first major suspect right after the murder. But later, discredited lab analyst Joyce Gilchrist tampered with the lab report that helped him rule out a suspect. Authorities were unable to prosecute Smith because he died in Oklahoma in 1992.

After four years in prison, Ada wrote to the judge who sentenced her: “Sir, I am so sorry for the mistake I made in my life in 1985. I cannot bring Mrs. Wilson back, but I pray every day that you and others can find it to forgive me”. She also wrote to Wilson’s granddaughter, apologizing to her for causing her pain.

Joy Bartling, a friend in prison, said that when Ada didn’t get an answer, she kept asking, “How come they don’t forgive me?” Bartling told her, “You have to forgive yourself.” Bartling assured her, “You didn’t mean to stifle her.” You were protecting her so she wouldn’t see what was going on.”

Ada was paroled on November 10, 2008. She served 18 years in prison. After her release, Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor moved into a halfway house in Omaha and tried to convince herself that she had never met Wilson.

Ada planned to buy the house if the settlement money came through. For several weeks after the trial ended, she lived with a church family, sleeping in her seven-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor Age

In 2022, Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor is 57 years old.

Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor Employment Now

After coming to Beatrice from North Carolina, Ada Joann Taylor attended Beatrice High School.

Is Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor married?

At the age of 18, Ada JoAnn Taylor was pregnant by her boyfriend. She followed her boyfriend to Beatrice, Nebraska in 1981. Three weeks later, her boyfriend left her. She raised her daughter Rachel alone.

Ada JoAnn began seeing a psychologist named Wayne Price, who diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder. She was impulsive and emotional, and in 1985 he recommended that she relinquish parental rights to her. Taylor trusted Price and agreed. “It takes a stronger mother’s love to let go than to hold,” is the only way I can describe it, she said.

Rachel gave up for adoption and moved to Los Angeles, where she supported herself by doing sex work.

A few months later, Ada got Beatrice back with Joseph White, who was making gay porn movies in Los Angeles. JoAnn met up with some of her friends from her high school who were sexually unconventional, poor, and self-loathing. They started making low-budget pornographic movies.

Rachel, who grew up in the middle class, disapproved of her. Rachel is now a woman and Ada thinks that her son-in-law didn’t feel any different.

At the time of her arrest, she was newly married with a 14-month-old baby.

did you know — Ada JoAnn Taylor was a closeted lesbian. She wore blue jeans and men’s black button-down shirts, and she had a reputation as a thug around town.

Related FAQ

  • How much money did Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor receive for wrongful conviction?

In a federal civil rights lawsuit filed against Gage County, a jury awarded Ada JoAnn Taylor $7.3 million.

  • Where was Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor born?

Beatrice Six Ada Joann Taylor was born and raised on a cattle farm in Leicester, North Carolina. The authorities took her from home for the first time when she was eleven years old. Her stepfather repeatedly abused her and she spent her adolescence in foster care.

  • Is Beatrice Six Ada JoAnn Taylor on Facebook?

No, Beatrice Six Ada Joann Tylor is not on Facebook.

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