Pat Montgomery Bio, Today, Age, Job, New Wife, Candy

Meet Pat Montgomery, husband of Candy Montgomery known for Friday the 13th murder of Betty Gore in 1980. Learn about their relationship, his job, his age & his whereabouts today. Keep scrolling to learn more about them.

Meet Pat Montgomery, Candy Montgomery Husband?

Candy Montgomery met Pat Montgomery one summer in El Paso, a summer so crowded with images of love and death that in later years he would have trouble piecing them all together. For much of that summer, he sat in the lab at Texas Instruments, staring at his pallid scientific theorems without the least interest, his mind eight hundred miles away.

For a while, Pat just about gave up on women, and the only times he went out was when somebody fixed him up. His mother Marie Montgomery was the one who set him up with Candy. One of the women at the furniture factory. Then he thought, what the hell? And that’s how Pat met Candy Wheeler.

Pat understood that she was not his type. But, went on a date anyway.

He took her across the river to Adrian’s, one of the nicest restaurants in Juarez, and tried to make conversation, but Pat honestly didn’t know how to “make conversation.” Later Candy would describe it, with characteristic candor, as the dullest date in her life. Mostly she listened to Pat talk about his childhood, especially his memories of the trips he made with his uncle out to the sand dunes southeast of El Paso.

Candy had enough interest in “paperback archeology” to keep up with his description of some old Indian ruins, but mostly she just wanted it to be over. On the way to a shopping mall to see Airport afterward, Candy tried to fill the awkward silences. “My mother told me you wanted to be a doctor.” Pat nodded. “Well, you must really like to work with your hands,” Pat explained that he wanted a Ph.D.

Before Pat, she had a serious boyfriend named Chris who had even proposed to her in Maryland. Since then her priorities have changed.

When Pat asked for a second, she surprisingly accepted him again.

After their second date, Pat lost his uncle Jack who died of a massive heart attack. After that, Candy was attracted to Pat, seeing him as a new man. Candy was so taken with his soliloquy that she saw through to a man whom she had not even recognized on the first two dates.

After Pat went away to pursue his Ph.D. in Colorado, Candy had told her friend that she had met the man she was going to marry.

When Pat flew to El Paso with the diamond, Candy was hysterical with delight. It was only their fourth weekend together, and a scant two months after they had first met, but they quickly agreed that the earliest possible wedding date was the only acceptable one.

They briefly considered immediate elopement, but Candy decided it would be unfair to her parents, so they finally settled on a small ceremony at Trinity Presbyterian Church for parents and close relatives only. By this time Pat’s financial resources were severely limited. He had enough for a small U-Haul and a honeymoon night in a motel on the outskirts of El Paso.

Pat Montgomery was one of the brightest young electrical engineers at Texas Instruments. At the time, Candy worked as a secretary. She was petite and blond and a little impish, with a thin, pointed nose and a contagious high-pitched laugh. After their marriage, they moved to the country in 1977 after they had a daughter Jenny, who arrived in September 1972, and a son named Ian in October 1974.

Candy had everything except she was “bored crazy”. It was showing in their relationship as they had been arguing a lot.

Once, she had brought home some A+ papers from the writing class she was enrolled in, but all Pat would do was glance at them and pretend to understand. His insensitivity infuriated her and led to harsh words. To Pat, they were arguments over nothing, but to her, they represented everything wrong with their marriage.

These little spats caused Candy to seek the ex-marital affair to spice up her life.

Nonetheless, Candy cared for her husband and took every precaution so that the affair with Allen Gore wouldn’t hurt her husband.

In 1980, Allen’s wife Betty confronted Candy about the affair which led to the physical struggle between the two. Candy killed her by leaving 41 wounds in her body.

Are Pat And Candy Montgomery Still Married?

Throughout the trial, Pat stayed by Candy’s side. After the end of Candy Montgomery’s trial on Oct. 30, 1989, three months later, Pat and Candy moved from Wiley, Texas. They reportedly got divorced after that.

Pat Montgomery New Wife

There is no information on Pat Montgomery’s new wife. He stayed out of the public eyes after the end of the trial.

Pat Montgomery Today

Pat Montgomery could be residing in Georgia today. His son Ian currently resides in Marietta, Georgia.

Is Pat Montgomery On Instagram And Facebook?

No, Pat Montgomery is not on Instagram and Facebook.

Pat Montgomery Age

As of 2022, Pat Montgomery is around 78 years old, since he was 6 years older than his wife Candy.

Pat Montgomery Job

Pat Montgomery worked for the National Bureau of Standards and served as a research assistant. When Candy moved to Colorado, she got a part-time job working for a life insurance agent. Pat’s dissertation, considered groundbreaking at the time, was called “Electromagnetic Boundary-Value Problems Based Upon a Modification of Residue Calculus and Function Theoretic Techniques,” and about twelve people in the world could understand it.

By 1973, they were able to move back to the Dallas suburb of Richardson, where Pat started working on Texas Instruments’ top-secret military radar projects.

Related FAQs

  • Where Does Pat Montgomery Reside Now?

Pat Montgomery likely resides in Georgia.

  • Who Are Pat Montgomery’s Parents And Siblings?

Pat Montgomery’s father was Jewel Montgomery and his mother was Marie Montgomery. Jewel had married late. When Pat was a teenager, Jewel was nearing the end of his career as comptroller of a small Texaco refinery.

  • Who Plays Pat Montgomery On Hulu’s Candy?

Actor Timothy Simons plays Candy’s husband, Pat Montgomery on Hulu’s Candy.

Categories: Biography

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