Sons Of Anarchy: 20 Crazy Details About Jax’s Anatomy

Sons Of Anarchy was a thrilling biker drama from the twistedly brilliant mind of Kurt Sutter. The show was well known for its exceptional characters, pulse-pounding action, and heartbreaking passings. It may have been several years since the show ended its critically acclaimed run, but for many fans, the show will never die. It’s still one of the most talked about and rewatched series of all time. The new series Mayans M.C. is putting the original FX series back in the public mind frame. While many fans are finding more things to love, there are also a few details that don’t quite fit.

Of the famous characters in the series, the one who still stands out amongst all of the ride or die rebels of SAMCRO is none other than the show’s leading man, Jax Teller. Played with brutal intensity, Charlie Hunnam carried the character throughout seven universally praised seasons.  He gave the character a life of his own and helped Teller live on with other icons from the early days of the golden age of television like Breaking Bad’s Walter White, The Shield’s Vic Mackey, and Mad Men’s Don Draper.

Jax wasn’t just a leader though. He was a lady’s man, a risk taker, and a seasoned street fighter. This being said, there are several things about Jax’s anatomy that just don’t make any sense. All television shows heighten reality to a certain extent but for a show that prides itself on gritty realism, a few minor details seem amiss.

Here are 20 Crazy Details About Jax’s Anatomy.

13. His Healthy activites

Jax has a chat with Trinity after learning that she is his half-sister

Jax Teller does well with the ladies. Really well. His choice of relationships, however, are not always the smartest. Sure, Tara is a fairly nice girl all things considered, but the rest of his conquests are not exactly the classiest bunch. Among Jax’s many romantic pairings in the series, there have been biker girls, addicts, and almost his half-sister. At no point does it really seem like Jax is using safe methods.

Seeing as Tara is a medical professional (and a very practical person in general) and the fact that she and Jax had a surprise pregnancy, it’s safe to assume that they were regularly unprotected. Tara wouldn’t have likely done that if Jax weren’t perfectly healthy.

12. Ssn4 Short Hair

Jax Teller may be well known for those trademark locks but there was one season where those locks were M.I.A. In season 4, instead of his famous Legolas hair, he had an ugly buzzed look for the whole season. The look does make a little sense in context. Jax was just out of a small stint in prison. For multiple reasons, having long pretty blonde hair is not acceptable inside.

This doesn’t really explain why it’s so horribly maintained throughout the series. For someone who looks like he has four or five different brands of hair care products he uses daily every other season, it doesn’t really make sense as to why he’d just completely give up for a whole year. It must be true what they say. Prison changes you.

11. Cartoonish John Teller Tat

Tattoos are very important to members of an MC like the Sons. In order to be considered a full-fledged member, you have to get an extensive back tattoo. Aside from that, most Sons frequently show off their personal ink. Usually, these tattoos are about family or some other deeply personal symbol. While most of them look pretty good, there’s one that’s strangely cartoonish.

Jax’s father JT not only passed away fairly young, but he was also one of the founders of the Sons. It makes sense that he’d get a tattoo permanently honoring his late great father. What doesn’t make sense is why the tattoo itself is so bad. It depicts John Teller’s gravestone in blocky, cartoonish art. It’s so odd that it wouldn’t look out of place if Garfield or Scooby Doo were hanging out by the gravestone. At least his tattoo game got better with time.

10. Healthy Lungs

Tara and Jax make out while reading books.

Pretty much any time Jax isn’t getting in fights, with a girl, or riding his Harley, he’s smoking. This isn’t such a strange thing for SAMCRO though. Clay just as often has a thick cigar in his hands.

What is odd is how healthy Jax is despite his constant smoking. Jax spends much of the show in some sort of rigorous activity. Pretty much every episode has a chase scene of some sort. None of the episodes feature Jax doubled over as he’s trying to catch his breath. One would think they would’ve learned from Piney’s debilitating emphysema. Though people in biker gangs aren’t always the most forward-thinking bunch.

9. White Shoes

It may be a well-known fact that Jax takes special care of his Harley, his guns, and his hair. There’s another item in his possession that he takes incredible care of though that most people don’t notice. Once you do notice though, you can’t unsee it.

Jax Teller wears blindingly white tennis shoes throughout the entire series. It’s not necessarily weird to see a guy keep a good pair of shoes for several years. It is weird for those shoes to look brand new forever. For a man that spends most of his time delivering carnage and chasing people down, his kicks are amazingly spotless.

8. Perfect Skin

Charlie Hunnam as Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy

Clearly, his bathroom is filled with several different hair care products and beard trimmers. From the look of him, he probably has quite a few moisturizers on hand.

Most of the other Sons look like they’ve spent far too much time in the sun for their own good. Members like Happy, Bobby, and Tig sure don’t look like they buy a lot of exfoliating creams or anti-aging skin care products. It’s very doubtful that any real-life biker has completely spotless skin. (Especially considering how often they are associated with Meth.) Looking at Jax, it’s likely he goes to bed with one of those mud masks on.

7. Too Pale For Southern Cali

The bright little town that Sons of Anarchy is set it in, lies in the Southern part of California. If Southern Cali is famous for one thing, it’s the sun. Though some of the cast might not know this.

Charlie Hunnam hails from the United Kingdom so his skin tone is a touch different than someone’s who presumably spent his childhood running around in the California sun.

While this does get better over time, in the first few seasons he looks very nearly Benedict Cumberbatch pale.

6. Perfect Teeth

Sons Of Anarchy Jax Teller

If the idea of Jax Teller’s hair care and moisturizing products doesn’t change your ideas about Jax Teller, the idea of him in braces might.

There’s a good possibility that image is 100% accurate considering how perfect his teeth are. It’s kind of hard to imagine teenage rebel Jax Teller in high school with a mouth full of metal. The harder one to process though is that the man was born with Siberian Husky eyes, that bone structure, and perfect teeth to go with it. His parents were only human after all.

no bullet holes

Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy

Jax Teller and the other members of the Sons frequently saw about as many combat situations as the guys in The Hurt Locker. What’s truly amazing though is that despite these daily gun battles, very few of the Sons ever got shot. Mostly the shootouts were the standard television fair where they shoot wildly at each other and only manage to hit inanimate objects around who they’re shooting at.

Jax especially comes out of the series rather unscathed. He’s well known for being the member of the gang who most frequently rushes head first into the action. So it’s really strange that his body isn’t riddled with bullet holes. Apparently, he owns the same kind of plot armor that allows Jon Snow to rush through a massive battlefield in Game of Thrones without getting hit by one arrow.

4. No PTSD

There’s another strange thing that Jax is missing for someone who gets shot at nearly every day of his life, post-traumatic stress disorder. For any normal person who would see his best friend taken down, realizing his son was taken by criminals, and pretty much all the messed up stuff that happened in season 2, that person would likely need some hardcore therapy just to get through the day.

Jax, however, seems to take a lot of this in stride. There aren’t any scenes where Tara wakes Jax up in a cold sweat because he’s reliving something. In fact, he very nearly leaves the gang life behind him with relative ease. That is until Tara’s hand gets seriously injured by a metal door. Man, Jax’s life is just all trauma all the time.

3. Big Heart

Jax also resists becoming hardened and bitter throughout most of the series, despite being given constant reasons to be so. For most of the series, he is shown to be the one with the biggest heart even though he goes through the most pain. There are dozens of episodes that feature Jax putting his life on the line to help one of his brothers or him just taking one of them aside to see how they’re doing. He spends the entire series trying to get redemption for his club and his chosen family.

It really isn’t until the final season where he truly embraces the darkness. Part of the heartbreaking tragedy of the show’s ending is seeing Jax violently rebuking all of the philosophy and compassion he held so dear throughout the show.

2. No Addictions

Jax, Gemma and Wendy in Sons of Anarchy

While the Sons didn’t really deal a lot with hard substances, that’s very much not the norm for some of America’s worst biker gangs. In reality, hardcore biker gangs are a bit closer to the dealing white supremacists in Breaking Bad than the lovable rogues from Sons of Anarchy.

That’s why it’s so strange that Jax gets through the entire series without the slightest hint of an addiction. Maybe it’s his experiences with Wendy that pushes him away from heavy substances. For someone who goes through as much hell as he does, it’s almost commendable that he doesn’t end the series drowning his sorrows.

1. No Road Rash


While the Sons get in lots of fist fights, gun battles, and slow-motion sequences of running away from explosions, there’s another high-risk activity that the gang frequents the most. Average motorcycle riders experience more than their fair share of risk of high-speed collision. That’s not even accounting for riding away from gunfire.

It’s strange considering the dangers of motorcycle riding that Jax never gets in a serious accident. Throughout most of the series, Jax rides especially fast and loose. If his propensity for dodging bullets is impressive, his luck riding his Harley is doubly so. The only real damage he gets riding is in the last episode when he gets in a suicidal accident on purpose. It’s such a tragic way to ruin a nearly spotless record.

20. Strangely Muscular Back

One of the most famous promo images for Sons of Anarchy was simply a picture of Jax Teller’s heavily tattooed back. They even put the titles on top of it. It’s probably not an exaggeration to say Charlie Hunnam has the most famous back in television history. But how does Jax Teller get it so well sculpted?

It’s probably safe to assume that there are lots of free weights hanging around the clubhouse. While they might explain the massive arms most of the Sons sport, that doesn’t really cover Jax’s rock hard back. Either he has a very specific free weight regiment that is focused on his back abs or he has a secret gym membership none of the other guys know about. It seems doubtful that the club would have a lot of weight machines. Regardless, Jax Teller should have had a YouTube channel or looked into life as a personal trainer. People would’ve paid more money to have that back then they ever would have on gun running.

his abs

His back isn’t the only thing that points to Jax Teller’s secret gym life. That man had an extremely impressive six-pack throughout the series. It’s possible that he got those by doing a ton of sit-ups and crunches a day, but it hardly seems like he had the time. Jax’s life was pretty much a mad scramble from one massively dangerous situation to another.

He would’ve had to wake up before dawn every day in order to get in his workout before a day of gun running and ATF scamming. Maybe he squeezed a few hundred in while he was waiting for a deal to go down. Regardless, in order to have that full 300 Spartan look, he’d also have to have a pretty strict diet. Jax probably has a giant tub of protein powder somewhere in his house. He also probably hasn’t had a piece of cake in years.

18. Unscarred Knuckles

Jax Teller gets in a lot of fights. So many fights. Like Tyler Durden has nothing on Jax. What’s strange about Jax though is that his knuckles aren’t a permanently mangled mess.

If a person did nearly as many face punches as Jax, they would be in the hospital constantly for broken knuckles. Perhaps there are just dozens of scenes off camera where Tara was just constantly applying ice and bandages to her husband every day. Luckily Jax lives in a TV world where punches only hurt one way and they never bleed.

17. Unbroken face

Healthy knuckles aren’t the only things that don’t make sense about a street brawler like Jax. He’s well known for that beautiful face of his but that face is very unrealistic for someone who gets in more fist fights than a professional boxer. If you look around the SAMCRO clubhouse, you’ll see a lot of men whose faces look appropriately scarred for a life of vicious gangland combat. Chibs has Heath Ledger Joker scars. Tig, Happy, and Clay all look as though they’ve had a few broken bones in their faces at one point or another.

You might catch Jax Teller with a cut on his cheek but that’s about it. Otherwise, he’s rocking boyish good looks that would make Brad Pitt jealous. I doubt there are many real-life members of a biker gang that can say the same. Hell, Ron Perlman’s probably prettier than most of them. In or out of Hellboy makeup.

16. Well Groomed Hair

Charlie Hunnam as SAMCRO President Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy

When you think Jax Teller you think motorcycle chases and gunfights. What you don’t think is regular salon visits. Both are obviously big parts of his life judging from how well groomed his Legolas hair is for most of the series.

For some men, their hair will naturally grow out like Thor from The Avengers. For most though, in order to get that classic Hemsworth look, one has to get it regularly cut. While it isn’t impossible to find a barber who can handle maintaining that kind of style, most salons will do it better.  So it’s very likely that when Jax wasn’t on a job for the Sons, he was probably hanging out at one of Charming’s best salons like Steel Magnolias.

15. Well Maintained Hair

Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller Motorcycle

His salon time is definitely not the only way he gets his famous bad boy locks. The Teller household definitely has a lot of guns, bullets, and leather. It also has a ton of hair care products.

Seriously, in order to keep that hair from looking as greasy as the other Sons, his shower must have at least five different hair care products in a little caddie by the shower head.

There’s no way Tara has half the shampoos and conditioners her husband has. He also probably has several different kinds of gels and sprays that he uses. The man spends half his life with his hair in a helmet or with it blowing every which way from a high-speed motorcycle and his hair still looks great. There’s probably a special hole in the ozone layer with Jax’s name on it.

14. Well Groomed Beard

The biggest difference between the styles of the riders on Sons Of Anarchy and Mayans MC is the on-point facial hair. There is scarcely a member of the Mayans that doesn’t have a full beard, goatee, or mustache that isn’t groomed to perfection. It wouldn’t be surprising if when you get your Mayans cut you also get a pair of Mayans approved beard trimmers.

The Sons aren’t nearly as impressive in this regard. Though some are better than others. Jax, for instance, has a very well crafted beard throughout most of the series. Whatever beard trimming length he’s got his set to is perfect. Hell, maybe he has a Mayans brand one. That could’ve been part of the alliance.

Are there any other strange things about Jax’s anatomy in Sons of Anarchy? Let us know in the comments!

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