How to stagger enemies in Elden Ring

Yeah elden ring Whether it’s your first From Software game or you’re an experienced Souls player, you’ve probably learned that some of the game’s systems can be a bit… opaque. Awe is a great example: Players know what’s in play, they can see it working when an enemy drops a shield or someone interrupts it, but it’s not clear what’s going on.

Staggering is a clear advantage in elden ring, especially when facing a heavily armored opponent or trying to break a boss’s moveset before it completely destroys you. While some of the mechanics behind this are still unclear, we know enough to make you a master flipper anyway. This is what you should do.

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Poise Elden Ring Vital Statistics

Elden Ring character stats.

Spend enough time starting your Tarnished stats page elden ring, and near the bottom you’ll notice a little stat called Poise. Balance is a vague number on the right that can go up or down depending on the armor you’re wearing and your character’s level. Is elden ringversion of “posture” or “attitude”.

Think of Poise as an invisible meter that fills up when an enemy hits you. It seems to be very similar to the visible gauges that fill up when you poison or bleed: once the gauge fills up, the status becomes effective and you start to lose health. When the Poise “meter” fills up or you lose Poise, your character trips, which is usually very bad news.

This is important because most of the enemies in the game also They seem to have their own Poise stat assigned to them. This means you can use their balance level to stagger them, just like you use bloody or poisonous weapons to build up an enemy’s status.

How to break the enemy’s hold and stagger him

Three soldiers prepare to attack the castle.

There are several strategies you can use to stagger enemies, allowing you to land a few more attacks or forcing the enemy to drop their shield so you can land a critical hit. Here are some of the best ways people have found to break an enemy’s balance and trip them up:

  • Heavy attacks, especially charged heavy attacks, are great for stunning enemies.
  • A strong jump attack is especially useful for building a tight state.
  • Shield parries often stagger an enemy instantly, though it takes time and practice.
  • Certain Ashes of War special attacks are also very good for staggering, especially the hard-hitting ones.
  • It’s important to attack in succession to stagger the enemy, so try to get as many attacks as possible.
  • A chain of quick dagger attacks or something like Ash of War: Sword Dance can also quickly stagger an enemy.

The best weapon to break the enemy balance.

Great sword Elden Ring.

Increase your strength and go for the biggest and heaviest weapons for the best effect. This means focusing on weapons like greatswords, great axes, hammers, and any weapon marked “Colossal” like Dragon Greatclaw. They are better for staggering shielded enemies and similar situations.

Light and very fast weapons can also successfully stagger enemies, but you need time to land all the hits, which can be very difficult in elden ring. So it’s generally better to rely on heavy weapons with big single attacks.

Does staggering work on bosses?

Crucible Knight in Elden Ring.

Yes, but it’s dangerous. You have to be pretty aggressive to stagger enemies and be aggressive towards them. elden ring bosses are a recipe for disaster. However, when successful, it can also open up key attacking opportunities. It’s best to try smaller, more guarded bosses like the pesky Crucible Knights, but you’ll have to memorize their attack patterns for best results. Heavy jump attacks are often the safest bet. If you like to parry, keep in mind that it may take a few parries to completely stagger the boss.

Also, keep in mind that many of the ghosts you can summon to help in boss fights also deal physical damage with their weapons, which can also be used to attack the boss’s balance.

Does magic work in Poise in the Elden Ring?

It doesn’t seem to work the same way. But some enchantments and spells seem to have a staggering mechanic, especially the ones with a more physical or gravity aspect. A good example is the Rock Sling spell, which can stagger even bosses from a distance.

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