Reddit’s 10 Best Reactions To The Challenge: Ride Or Die Trailer

with the cast Challenge: Ride or die Following the announcement, the final season trailer has been released, getting viewers ready for the season premiere on October 12. The trailer suggests it will be another big season, with a wagering challenge. high to win 1 million dollars.

Based on the trailer, each of the Ride or Die teams seems to have had their fair share of drama, whether it’s their escape from the show, their trauma, or their friendship being tested in the house. Judging by the glimpses of the season in the trailer, Reddit did not disappoint when they shared their reactions.

back to reality

Challenger Season 38 Contestants

backside Challenge: USA The finale disappointed fans, with all but two contestants dropping out, and fans were getting ready to see the return of the MTV series. It has never been better to see the familiar faces of challengers being cheered or cheered on by the audience.

This Reddit user said what people thought after the trailer, writing: “After God WE, I’m ready to return to reality. The collective sense of relief that the audience felt at that moment was captured perfectly.

Casey is missing!

Kathy Clark in the challenge

Kaycee’s absence from the trailer draws the attention of an opponent some Reddit users never want to see again. challenge fan. Some comments questioned Kaycee’s role in the season, and whether it was a sign that she was playing another “boring” game.

Runfreely’s shady comments summed up everyone’s feelings best, saying: “The returning champion Kaycee doesn’t look like that at all in the trailer…” Usually, a champion returns after a win. was a pivotal moment of the season, but so far Kaycee’s comeback has yet to come. Not to be treated like this.

Spectators and mute buttons go or die

Jordan and Anisa on hips in 'Challenge Ride or Die'

After seeing Aneesa and Nany being paired with Jordan and Johnny Bananas respectively, and there was a lot of discussion about how to fill the confessional, Aneesa and Nany thought they deserved to win instead of being caught by their co-stars. bag.

While some may see these women as challengers who deserve more respect, there are also many who may not be aware of how consistently Aneesa and Nany are underrated in the competition. One Reddit user even said: “My mute button will get a workout.”

OH! Challengers can bring their own partner!

Fessy Shafaat and Moriah Jadea talk defiantly

the better challenge Fans were excited to see the return of the main series, but were a bit disappointed with the cast. Most commonly, Reddit users have mentioned that they only like one person on each team, or in some cases, they don’t like the whole team.

Ismyshowon said it best when he said, “Read that competitors can bring their own partners: Oh, that’s exciting! Seeing selected partners: Oh oh oh.” Since most of the actors are rookies, it’s only natural that there are some big rivals to be disappointed with.

TJ hates quitters, but fans love to see his reaction

TJ LaVine in the challenge

TJ’s opinion of ex-smokers has never been a secret challenge. At this point, if someone retreats, everyone watching knows exactly what will happen next. Great talk by TJ on the topic of giving up and being frustrated.

However, if viewers are really lucky, they will get his classic lines. In the trailer, the moment someone walks out of the show gets a lot of attention. Devmcq is looking forward to this season as they “were so excited about the ‘Be careful, I hope I never see you’ moment.”

Challenge: Finals only

Underwater opponents in Great War Challenge 2

every season, challenge Consolidating the competition with bigger, better quality challenges to prepare contestants for the finals seems to be getting harder and harder. The trailer shows some huge explosions, running on moving trucks and jumping from buildings, highlighting the extreme race the challengers will take to qualify for the finals.

One Reddit user took note of this aspect of the trailer, writing:Challenge: Finals. Each mission is a mini finale. The same goes for every knockout round. “This captures how challenge Constantly evolving and pushing players to their limits.

You can’t repeat his footsteps this season

Turbo Camkiran overcomes the challenge

after winning survivor Türkiye Twice, it was one of the hardest finals world War, and was disqualified world war 2fans have been waiting challenge Put Turbo back in the game.

As important as a Turbo win war of words Yes, it’s hard to forget that one of his most iconic moments was an argument with rival Jordan over mocking and mimicking his pace. With that in mind, JSK23 shared their excitement for Turbo’s return, saying, “Mr. Turbo.” Walking is back, baby! “

place a bet

Nelson Thomas in the challenge

With a trailer showing Nelson returning to the game this season, Spaceship asks the question everyone wondered in his confession: “How many times did Nelson say ‘ride or die’ and at what size? how big?”

This comment has led some to estimate that Nelson said “ride or die” about 1.5 times in each confession. One of the things that Nelson was known for was that he would tell jokes over and over challenge His confessions have been on topic throughout the season, so it feels like something could happen in reality.

The unthinkable needs to happen

Aneesa and Jordan accept the challenge

Looking back at some of the partnerships this season, fans reflect on how some opponents who have never won the finals, or at least not for long, have teamed up with threats. threat of major competition. Ride or die.

in a good reference protestCompetition Story-88 wrote, “‘The unthinkable needs to happen for Jordan to win the challenge and Aneza needs to win the challenge.'” -Evelyn protest voice. “With Anissa’s luck, it’s really unthinkable for Jordan to win this season.

Challenge: Friends


IN challenge According to the trailer, part challenges rival relationships, this one takes it to the next level, with a heavy focus on friendship. Many great friendships have emerged from this show and these teams seem to be in the best position to win this season if they don’t disband first.

Reddit users had a lot to say about this season’s title, but to better understand the title, KO620181 said, “We watched the competition…we saw…and now…TJ Lavin presents Challenge: good friends.

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