Legacies Season 4 Killed The Wrong Saltzman Sister

despite Lizzie’s death heritage It was a big (if fleeting) surprise, a trick the series missed by not killing her sister, Josh Salzman (Kelly Bryant). Even if the character dies heritagethey never really died. Like its franchise predecessors Diary of a vampire And original, heritage There is a tendency to kill off characters in an episode or two, then bring them back to life with some sort of storytelling trick, supernatural intervention, or a combination of the two.

heritage’ sense of humor add Diary of a vampire The franchise mode and makes it easier for fans to forgive this type of death, since the series doesn’t tend to take itself too seriously, fake deaths are forgivable. However, because heritage The fourth season darkens the tone of the show and makes it a more mature series than the supernatural series of previous seasons, with the rapidly reversing deaths now looking a bit out of place. This has never been more true than now heritage Season four made the mistake of temporarily killing Lizzie when it could more clearly kill another character.

Since this show always deals with death, heritage Lizzie’s death in season four was supposed to be replaced by the death of another of Salzman’s sisters, Josie. Josie’s cast left the show, and her departure may have been subtly integrated into the show’s story, prompting the three-in-one Hope to kill her, making the character all the more unlikely. could change and give Josie a more satisfying farewell. Not only that, but you can easily heritage Bringing dead actors back to life means that the characters don’t even need to be permanently dead for the plot to work. When Kelly Bryant left the series, the logical choice was for Hope to kill Josie, causing Lizzie to eventually take her down with the help of Finch, Josie’s ex. By comparison, killing (and instantly resurrecting) Lizzie is much less impactful, especially since Josie heritage The exit is the equivalent of her taking the bus out of town. Lizzie spends most of her time heritage Season four conspired to kill Hope and brace for their match, so some fans were annoyed that she still couldn’t beat the trio after all the planning.

Legacy ends its arc prematurely, cheating on Josie

The Legacy of Josie and Liz Siphon

Conversely, if Terrybridge Hope had killed Josie, her fight with Lizzie would have been much more dangerous. heritage The final exit is permanent or temporary, and failing to kill the character is a huge missed opportunity. Lizzie’s plan (for Hope to kill her so she can return as a heretic) meant that she resurrected before the end of the episode, eliminating any possible tragic consequences. happened about her apparent death. Conversely, if Hope had killed Kelly Bryant’s Josie shortly after she broke up with Finch, Josie’s lover and her sister would have banded together to avenge her and defeat the trio.

Hope will have a hard time going against them both at once, and most importantly, if Lizzie is mourning Josie’s loss, she’ll be determined to kill the Triads. In fact, Lizzie’s death at the hands of Hope was too short to be shocking, and Josie’s departure lacked weight and tragedy. If offered to Lizzie heritage Josie died in season four because Kelly Bryant was leaving the series anyway.

‘Legacy’ creators admit they didn’t send Josie off properly

Josie Saltzman in Legacy

from heritage Season five did not air and Josie’s character officially disappeared. Considering Josie’s plot will lead to an epic fight with Three Breed Hope, that’s pretty disappointing. However, the script stipulates that Josie got on the bus and was never seen or heard from again. This exit is one of the worst excuses Diary of a vampire The universe is used to sending a character away, as the series has taken up a lot of exits. It landed so awkwardly that even the creators of the series acknowledged it in the lines of Hope.period heritage In season four, Hope and Lizzie are having a conversation in which Lizzie compares her loss to Hope. In return, Hope replied to the Salzman sisters: your sister is on vacation. And your father is still alive. ” heritage’ Josie Saltzman’s admission of leaving the show while on a bus vacation shows the widespread perception that her departure from the series was unthinkable. heritage The character is tricked for a bad ending that loses its dramatic weight.

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