Boost your style: master the strong pieces and the basics

Tired of your flat and monotonous wardrobe? Too simple combinations that do not reflect your personality? Today we will see how to improve your style and master strong and basic pieces.

Tired of your flat and monotonous wardrobe? Too simple combinations that do not reflect your personality? Today we will see how to improve your style and master strong and basic pieces.


Strong pieces? I don’t want to look like a clown!

They both wear too many statement pieces to be taken seriously. Source:

Although we don’t usually recommend the color black (it tends to age and dull the complexion), the whole is balanced by the contrast of the shapes that give relief to the whole. Note: the orange hat brings relaxation to the outfit and emphasizes her face. Source:

It’s fine to buy original clothes, but if it ends up in your closet, new, intact and never worn, what good is it? Before taking out the credit card, it is best that you try on the garment. Thus, you will be able to project and imagine possible combinations between the latter and your wardrobe. Plus, you’ll be able to limit sizing errors because some clothes are cut very differently depending on body type (particularly pants and shirts). As you already understood, always try to try on a garment before buying it (you can change through e-commerce, the offer is generally very complete).

A hat is a strong piece that can also give a very nice and coherent result when combined with good basics. Source:

Well yes, we have seen that you should not have too many solid pieces and that you need to be sure of your purchase, after giving it some thought, right? This does not mean that you do not have the right to splurge, but also without exaggeration! If you feel great love for a piece. In fact, unlike the basic piece where we prefer a more rational approach, the strong pieces are still much more emotional and personal because they allow you to give your outfit personality, a bit like grandma’s spices!

Your clothing budget really depends on your needs. There’s no need to spend astronomical amounts on essentials, unless you’re willing to spend more on little “features” like wooden knobs or scalpel-cut finials. The entry level (Uniqlo, Monoprix, Zara, American Apparel, Maison Standards, etc.) will suffice for everyday use, while you can go mid-level if you’re looking for higher-quality clothing that lasts longer, like APC, Balibaris, Acne, the Comédie Humaine and even Melindom Gloss. For strong pieces, you will generally need to invest much more than the basics, as the materials and designs are generally much more complex. You can start to find quality pieces from the mid-range (see the brands mentioned above), although the top of the range is usually at the top.

70,000 euros for a crocodile shirt… If you are willing to leave your hand and your car as an inheritance, why not. At that price, think twice. Or even three or four times. Source: nydailynews

The investment is easier (about 200 euros). It is a price that you can afford if you have really loved this Kenzo jumper, which despite its originality is easy to combine. In the same genre you have BWGH or Zablji batak. Source:

Do you have an idea that comes to mind? Spend it! For example, if you want to wear a patterned camo jacket with suit pants, go for it! At first glance it seems strange as a combination, but once applied much less since we will find a very good balance between the relaxation of the camouflage and the formal look of the pleated pants.

The contrast between elegance and ease is produced by the combination of a jacket (strong piece of this outfit), which relieves the containment of pants and derbies. Source:

A garment is a strong piece only if you decide that it is. If you want to highlight a part of what you are wearing, creating that contrast will stand out and become a “strong piece” of your outfit. Whether basic or not.

Here the piece that stands out the most in this outfit is obviously the blue hat. But check out this white leather perfect. Taken out of context, we would immediately qualify it as a very strong piece and very difficult to tune. But here it fits perfectly with clothes, like a basic. Source:

– Having strong pieces to diversify and lighten your wardrobe is a great idea, as long as you coordinate them well with the rest of your outfit.

– Take the time to carefully choose your clothes and imagine possible combinations beforehand.

– You can be spontaneous and succumb to a strong piece that speaks of your personality!

– Dare, try, dare! Like great chefs, many tests are carried out before finalizing the perfect recipe.

– Finally, have fun playing with your basic and strong pieces. In this way, you can expand the scope of your closet, with several and varied combinations. Men’s accessories save lives!

ABDOUL Kévin, editor of

For more tips on how to dress your best every day, check out our menswear blog To take your style a step further, download the 20 free pages of men’s fashion advice that have been edited

Categories: Optical Illusion

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