Review: I'll Be You's 'I'll Be You' has some exciting twists and unique twins

Janelle Brown (Random House), “I’ll Be You.”

Although Sam and Elli Logan may be identical twins, their personalities are very different. Sam is a natural actor and loves to be the center of attention. Elli prefers to blend in with the crowd and go to school like a normal girl. They can change places with the help of a secret sign, turn into each other, and even escape for a while.

Janelle Brown’s fifth novel, I’ll Be You, is Janelle’s fifth. It follows the twins’ journey from their early childhood as child actors and then into their 30s when Sam is a barista struggling to stay sober, while Elli is a modestly successful model with a wife and a small flower shop.

Sam and Elli don’t switch places anymore. Since Sam’s last relapse, Elli and Sam haven’t spoken to each other in over a year. Because of this, their already fragile relationship was undeniably broken. Sam realizes something is wrong when Ella’s weekend retreat lasts a week, leaving Ella with her two-year-old adopted son. He tells her parents to leave Ella alone and ask Sam for help.

Brown’s novel reads like potato chips. The page-turning “I’ll Be You” is full of clever word choices and delicious twists.

The breaks are meant to add suspense, but they often fail. Although not significant enough to affect the plot, minor inconsistencies can be found here and there. These little mistakes can destroy the suspension needed to believe a story as dramatic as “I’ll Be You.” This is not the kind of novel you should read while relaxing on the beach.

The shortcomings of the novel are made up for by Brown’s interesting characters and captivating plot. Sam and Elli are as different as their voices. Although the plot reaches a point that is almost a climax, near the end of the book, the book is only half read. The book then takes a sharp turn with another shocking revelation before we dive into Part 2.

These conversions are well planned and credible. Every turn is fascinating and exciting, so it’s easy to decide if you want to follow the wild corner turns.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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