IMAGE. The red and yellow cat is lifeless and desperate, but two kind people save the kitten after seeing little hope of salvation.

Two benefactors noticed a helpless little cat on the main road. The cat just lying on the terrace looked quite weak and desperate.

The cat curls up in a ball. There are ants and insects on his body. At first glance, they thought the cat was dead, but luckily it gave a sign of hope by just moving its paw. This gave the two Samaritans hope that they could save the cat.

When the cat moved a little, the two men were glad that they could somehow help the cat. They took the cat and decided to support it. Two Samaritans took the cat to an emergency veterinary hospital so the vets could save the tiny creature.

Veterinarians took care of the little kitten, gave it medicine for an eye infection, washed the cat and gave it milk. The poor cat was so weak that the vets gave a lot of milk and food to revive the hopeless cat.

Fortunately, this is one cat that is delighted after the rescue. They named him Adlen. The kitten is recovering very well. He has a good appetite.

The cat was adopted by a friendly family. The cat is still alive and well. I am so glad that two kind human beings were able to save a hopelessly poor little creature.

Here is a touching video:

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